Commissioners meet today | Serving Carson City for over 150 years

Commissioners meet today

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The Churchill County Board of Commissioners meets at 1:15 p.m. today at the Churchill County Administrative Building, Commission Chambers, 155 N. Taylor St., Suite 145.

On the agenda is:

Update of current activities, plans or actions related to the Bureau of Land Management’s Carson City District

Update on The Arts Center 5th annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser for the Arts

Approval to enter into an agreement with the State of Nevada, Division of Housing for $30,000 in trust funds to support Rural Nevada Continuum of Care, Social Entrepreneurs, Inc. Homeless Planning Contract.

To possible approve the Churchill County Social Services to enter into PATH Program Leases with Rogne Realty for Dec. 1 to Nov. 30, 2018, totaling $18,000.

To possible approve to allocate 175 acre feet of county-owned water to the Lahontan Valley Bird Dog Club re-vegetation project on Pasture Road

To possible approve a Joinder Contracts with G4S Secure Solutions for Security Services at the Tenth Judicial District Court and the new jail, at a rat $22.57 per hour with an overtime/holiday rate of $31.60 for the remainder of 2017, with an increase to $23.26 per hour and $32.56 per hour in 2018.

Approval of a contract with Hiskett & Sons in the amount of $33,739 to return property on Gummow Drive to prior condition.