Classic cars line up in front of the Fallon Theater for a show & shine; later in the evening, the theater showed American Graffiti.
The Fallon Theater gave a shout out to the classics Tuesday, holding a car show on Main Street and showing the classic movie “American Graffiti.”
While the car show was free, the movie acted as a fundraiser for the theater’s operation and renovation. Board members Mike Berney and Carla Kent said they wanted to bring the community together and provide a fun activity for a mid-week evening.
“We like to do these special events because it really helps spread the word (that the theater is still open),” Kent said.
Cars from the mid-1970s and older were the focus of the show, though Berney said any classic cars were welcome. Kent said they wanted the show and movie to match and have cars from the year American Graffiti came out.
The show was just to show off and enjoy the vehicles and no prizes or contests were held. Car owners were given a form to fill out and place in the window with the vehicle’s details.
Throughout the car show classic rock was played, donated and DJ’d by Davey Munoz.
Berney said the event went well and they had lots of positive comments from the participants. He said the “car buffs” loved showing off their cars and talking with each other about their shared love. Berney estimated they had 30 or 40 people stay to watch American Graffiti.
This was the first time the car show is being held, however the board hopes to make it an annual event. The board is already discussing holding another car show/movie night in the spring.
“Overall a great experience which we hope to expand on in the spring with another show and shine and movie,” Berney said.