Past Pages for Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017

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150 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Dutch Nick’s Hotel. Empire City, Nevada ... Sleeping rooms are furnished with good and clean beds, attached to the Hotel is a Bar where they constantly keep the best wines, liquors and cigars. Meals to be had at all hours of the day. Private dinners served in the best styles. M. Ednew and L. Mohr, Proprietors.”

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The spiritualistic mediums are astonishing the audiences of the Comstock.

A mud turtle was caught at the Genoa Hot Springs that weighed 260 pounds.

The bones at the State Prison are not a prehistoric proposition, but those of an old Indian.

110 Years Ago

Smallpox in Carson Valley: A scourge of small pox is rampant among the Washoe Indians. The officials claim the epidemic was brought to that valley by an Indian who was ordered out of Reno because he showed symptoms of the disease instead of the officials of that town having him placed in the pest house ...

100 Years Ago

“On Foot, by George Edward Day:

Sir Gold goes by in his motor car,

I tramp the road and take his dust…

Sir Gold may ride, if he wills it so,

But let me follow the winding way

That leads to the hills and the streams I know,

Where the birches bend and the fishes play.”

70 Years Ago

Underwear flight: Royal J. Arsenault escaped from solitary confinement at the Nevada state prison. The fugitive fled from a hole in the basement clad only in his underwear and a pair of socks.

20 Years Ago

Photo caption: Hump day — Two camels get affectionate at the races Sunday while Doc Holliday, former president of the International Order of Camel Jockeys and 36-year participant, stands near the camel pit.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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