The Tungsten Fire in the Clan Alpine mountain range 60 miles east of Fallon was fully contained earlier this week.
According to the Bureau of Land Management, lightning caused the wildfire on Aug. 27. The Tungsten Fire is the second major fire to burn in the Clan Alpine range this summer. The Draw Fire burned 22,000 acres in July and was also caused by lightning.
The Tungsten Fire burned 16,755 acres of brush and short grass at an elevation of 7,168 feet. The BLM said it does not anticipate significant fire activity at the site, which involved dormant brush and short grass. After the fire was contained on Sunday, work crews and helicopters ensured the fire was secure, especially because of hot temperatures and dry conditions earlier this week.
At the height of the fire, about 275 fire and support personnel from multiple agencies were battling the blaze. This included nine hand crews, eight smoke jumpers, eight engines, five water tenders, two bulldozers and five helicopters.
The BLM said fire suppression will primarily require aircraft and hand crews working in steep, rocky terrain and cover long distances between work and supplies.
There will be limited vehicle access, long hauls for replenishing supplies and equipment, long hauls from fire camp to the fire, and support of spike camp operations for fire personnel, the BLM reported.
A weather front that produced heavy rain and lightning swept over the area Wednesday night. The BLM expressed concern with this week’s stormy weather because of strong, gusty winds and lightning.