Fly-fishing enthusiasts invited to annual spring banquet in Gardnerville

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The High Sierra Fly Casters will hold its annual Spring Banquet on March 10 at the Elks Lodge in Gardnerville.

The event is an opportunity to welcome new members and swap fish stories and plans for the coming year. Organizers stress this is more of a social event than an educational one, and they welcome anyone who would like to meet members and find out about benefits of membership. There also will be a silent auction for fly-fishing equipment and a door prize.

A cash bar opens at 5:30 with a dinner from Minden Meat and Deli starting at 7 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $30 prepaid, which includes one drink at the bar. There will be limited ticket sales at the door for $40. Call the Anglers Edge at 775-781-7112 to reserve a place.

The mission of the fly-fishing club is to promote the sport and proper management and use of fishery resources in northwest Nevada and northeast California. It meets monthly at 7 p.m. on the second Wednesday at the Elks Lodge, where it conducts educational programs for fly-fishers and plans monthly fishouts throughout the region. It sponsors mentorship program with veterans, cancer survivors, and at-risk youth to introduce them to the pleasures of fly casting and pursuing trout at local sites. For information, go to go to, or “like” the “High Sierra Fly Casters” Facebook page.