Senator Dean Heller, Congressman Mark Amodei and other GOP candidates are attending Storey County Republican Central Committee’s annual Lincoln Day Brunch on Feb. 17.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their concerns about the midterm elections to the event at the Delta Saloon in Virginia City. Doors will open at 9 with brunch at 10 and the program at 10:30 a.m.
Tickets are $25 in advance and $35 at the door.
Along with the brunch, there will be a silent auction and raffle. Prizes include gift certificates for restaurants, gun range and archery practice, gunsmithing, gun shop purchases, and rounds of golf. Other items include hunting accessories, jewelry, GOP apparel, books by State Treasurer Dan Schwartz, a night’s stay at the Silverland Hotel, tickets for the V&T and other attractions, and a collectible Nevada sesquicentennial medallion cast from Comstock silver.
Funds generated from the brunch, silent auction and raffle will support a scholarship given annually to Virginia City High School’s valedictorian.
For tickets, go to, and click on Abraham Lincoln.