The Governor’s Office of Community Development has awarded grants totaling $3.5 million through the Community Development Block Grant program.
Carson City received a total of $441,832 in funding for five projects under the State Administered Entitlement Awards Program. The largest of those grants is for city ADA accessibility work totaling $268,892.
Park rehabilitation projects will receive $139,940, the Ron Wood Family Resource Center $20,000, Food for Thought $10,000 and St. Vincent DePaul $3,000.
A total of nine projects were awarded for rural projects around the state worth a total of $3,061,919.
The projects on that list are:
Esmeralda County Historic Goldfield Street repairs, $196,000;
Nye County, Pahrump Fairgrounds drainage study and flood control design, $124,000;
Nye County Beatty Airport fuel station upgrade, $390,000;
White Pine County Slum/Blight Abatement, $200,000;
Caliente Historic Depot Rehabilitation, $527,994;
Fernley Downtown Revitalization Phase 3; $218,625;
Wells Redevelopment Land Acquisition, $800,000;
West Wendover downtown redevelopment, $525,000.