(L-R) Mayor Bob Crowell, Ken Brown and Chuck Slavin recently pose for a photo at the new Charters of Freedom Monument at the Carson City Courthouse.
The official dedication ceremony for the Charters of Freedom Monument in front of the courthouse on Musser Street will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on Flag Day, June 14.
The Charters of Freedom feature the three founding documents of this country, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the first 10 amendments of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. The Charters of Freedom Monument can now be viewed in front of the courthouse.
The dedication ceremony will feature music Fanfare for the Common Man with a welcome from Carson City District Attorney Jason Woodbury.
The Invocation will be given by Bruce Henderson and the Presentation of Colors will be presented by the Carson City Combined Color Guard. The national anthem will be performed by the Youth Theatre Carson City Showstoppers and the Pledge of Allegiance will be led by the Fort Churchill Society Children of the American Revolution.
Woodbury will recognize dignitaries and Vance and Mary Jo Patterson will present a Founders of Foundation Forward.
Speakers will include Carson City District Judge James T. Russell and Carson City Mayor Robert Crowell. Gifting and acceptance will be done by Vance Patterson and Crowell and a time capsule and cannon volley will be done by Vance Patterson.
Woodbury will present closing comments.