They may be young, but the magical duo of Phoenix Phenomenal and Mr. E present their debut show, The Magisters of Magic. A showcase of magic and entertainment, The Magisters of Magic will surprise and mystify you with a full-length stage show filled with illusions, mentalism, sleight of hand and dueling strait jackets. You won’t believe what these amazing kid magicians bring to the stage.
This all-ages magic show at Impossible Magic Shop and Theater on March 25 at 3 p.m. is a one-of-a-kind show. It is the first time two kid magicians have combined their talents to produce a fun-filled magical experience aimed at giving families an alternative to spend a fun evening out together.
The Impossible Magic Shop & Theater is at 780 Smithridge Drive, Suite 450, in Reno.
Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance at