Joey O will be featured at the Fred Alexander Memorial Golf Clinic on May 20 at Eagle Valley Golf Course in Carson City.
The 26th annual Fred Alexander Memorial Family Golf Clinic is just around the corner.
The free clinic is set for May 20. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and the clinic gets under way after registration is completed. The clinic is expected to wrap up around 4 p.m.
Renowned trick-shot artist Joey O will be on hand for a demonstration.
More than 40 SNCPGA pros will be on hand to conduct various drills. The annual event is held thanks to the sponsorship efforts of Eagle Valley Golf Course, Duncan Golf Management, Michael Hohl Automotive, Battle Born Harley Davidson, the El Cord Foundation, the EJ Tegner Foundation, the Antigua Group, the NNWGA, NNGA and the Sierra Nevada Chapter of the PGA/NCPGA.
Flyers have been given to seven schools in the area.
For more information, go to
Silva, Staley win
at Eagle Valley
Georgia Silva and Nancee Staley won their respective flights at the recent Eagle Valley Women’s Club Throw out the Par-5s event.
Silva won Flight 1 with a gross score of 67. Karen Bowman followed with a 68 and Suzie Zimmerli shot a 69. Pat Gilbert won low net with a 49. Bowman and Zimmerli were at 50 and 52, respectively.
Staley had a score of 76, edging Denise Clodjeaux and Louise Smith-Engstrom by five shots. Clodjeaux and Bonnie MacQuarrie tied for low net with 54s. Gail Nelson was a shot back at 55,
49ers beat Packers
in flag football
The 49ers, led by J.C. Crane’s three TDs, beat the Packers 25-6 in recent NFL Talents Carson City Flag Football action.
In other games, the Rams knocked off the Cowboys, 25-0, and the first-place Chiefs pounded the Packers, 52-24.
The Chiefs lead the league at 5-0 followed by the Rams at 4-1, the Packers 2-4, and the 49ers and Cowboys are 1-5.
Highlights by team:
Chiefs: Dawson Herbert TD and 3 TD passes; Alex Myrehn and Oscar Gomez 2 TDs; Conner Baker 8 flag pulls; Zack Lopez 6 flag pulls.
Rams: Owen Hickson 1 TD and 2 TD passes; Alex Garcia TD and TD pass; Zach Nichols, TD and 6 flag pulls.
Packers: Carter March 3 TDs; Ben Morrison 4 TD passes.
49ers: J.C. Crane 3 TDs; Sean Finn TD and TD pass; Jaden Crane 5 flag pulls; Mason Robbins 5 flag pulls.
Cowboys: Dawson Main 7 flag pulls; Kaelyn McCormick 4 flag pulls.