Class of 2018 at Oasis Academy have known each other since their early childhood years and graduated together as a group of 22 during the May 18 ceremony.
Oasis Academy graduated 22 students in its Class of 2018 on May 18 at the Venturacci Park Gymnasium.
Decked out in blue and white, each student anticipated walking off the stage with their diploma in their hands to start new chapters in life—and separating as a class for the first time in years.
Last year, Oasis Academy graduated 40 students.
After Mayor Ken Tedford presented the invocation, Captain Davis Halloran, Commanding Officer Navel Air Station, delivered the keynote address emphasizing the importance of self-care to graduates as they enter independency.
While students may remember that piece of advice among many, the Oasis Class of 2018 shared a tight-knit bond as a small, graduating class. Many of the students said they have known each other since kindergarten.
For Ellona Gehman, she is excited for the future but she can’t imagine the time a part from her class. Gehman is heading to University of Portland, Ore. to study pediatrics and oncology.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do without all of them,” she said. “Especially when I’m pursuing adventures on my own.”
Hunter Drost is heading to the University of Nevada, Reno to study political science and later pursue law school. Although he’ll be about 60 miles away from Fallon, his new life in college will demand new priorities.
“It’s going to be weird without seeing everyone on a regular basis,” he said. “But I’m happy we’re all celebrating more afterward.”
Rebecca McKnight will be attending Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology in Denver. Although she has a few more credits to complete for her associates and plans to complete it in Reno, she feels the same as Drost.
“We’re more like a family than a class,” she said.
David Springfield is the highest ranking student in the class with a 4.0 GPA. His Graduate Address also reflected on the class connection, as well as sharing fond memories.
“One of the biggest takeways of my senior year was realizing that hard work pays off,” he said. “I admire my other classmates for working hard and achieving scholarships.”
With three scholarships, Springfield is attending the University of Nevada, Reno in the fall, majoring in history and minoring in public administration. With both, he hopes to pursue a career in teaching or go to law school.
The advice he’s given to underclassmen of not only Oasis — but to Fallon students as whole — is that planning ahead, networking with teachers, and focusing on large projects with an open mind is the key to a successful senior year.
However, the class was able to have one last hurrah together; on Monday, 17 students received their associates from Western Nevada College.
During the May 18 ceremony, Vice Principal Rochelle Tisdale addressed short farewell speeches to each student and, along with Board President Karla Craig, presented diplomas.
Math teacher Sam Hubbard also announced his retirement.