Mike Riggs competes in the 5th annual Carson City Kiwanis Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day, at Silver Oak Golf Course on Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018.
Peterson Plumbing won the men’s division in the golf tournament at the 5th Annual Carson City Kiwanis Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day recently held at Silver Oak Golf Course.
Captain Chris Peterson, Troy Scott, Dr. Steve Palazzolo and former USC All-American, Steve Sear, won the sold out event for the fourth time. Only one stroke behind were the Long Knockers, captain was Stevan Lyon, and only two strokes behind was Majestic Marble, with captain Joe Kingsland.
The women’s division winners were captain Peggy Wilson, Myla Florence, Jeanine Wittenberg and Claire Clift. The senior men’s division was the Empire Ranch team of captain Bill Bowers, Andrew Warner, Rene Ojeda and Steve Fagnant. The women’s senior division winners were captain Sue Farcello, Mary Luster, Loretta Symanski and Anita Treants.
Dan Mahoney nearly had a hole in one and won a new car, but the ball rolled out two inches.
The walk and run had 58 participants, with Miheala Neagos the overall winner in the 5K and Jason Dixon winning the men’s division. The 10K overall winner was Chris Brune and Shawnee McFadden won the women’s division. Tyler Lafollette won the kid’s fun run. Two-time winner Jimmy Sapien came in second.
The Carson City bench press championship has grown, with 23 participants. Chris Barr broke his own record lifting 465 pounds. Senior division winner was three-time champion, Jeff Wittenberg, with Greg Beavers putting some pressure on him this time. The women’s overall champion was again 65-year-old Kathi Pincock, lifting 165 pounds.
Moose Harrell of Incline Village, won the kids division for the third time, but he still hasn’t beaten Devon Sanchez’s record of 95 pounds. The new teenage division was won by Garrett Trama in a division with a lot of competition.
Mark Paloolian would have won a super senior division lifting 205 pounds at 74 years old. That division could be included next year.
Packers come back to beat Raiders
The Packers came from behind to beat the Raiders, 12-7, in a rainy first place showdown in the Talents Carson City Flag Football League.
In other games the Rams beat the Panthers, 36-31, the Packers beat the Rams, 44-12, and the Raiders beat the Panthers, 41-13.
Packers (4-0): Alex Myrehn 3 TDs, 2 TD passes; Keegan Ferris 2 TD passes; Nate Peterson 2 TDs; D. Pierrott 2 TDs; Andres Anguiano TD run; Trevor Britt TD.
Raiders (2-2): Jesse Cardiel 5 TDs; Miguel Mendoza TD, 6 TD passes; Jaden Gomez TD.
Panthers (1-3): Zack Remer 6 TD passes; Abraham Ortega 4 TDs; Jaden Laplante 2 TDs; Eli Locatelli TD.
Rams (1-3): Jacob Budd 4 TDs; John Ammerman TD, 3 TD passes; Issac White 2 TD passes; Bradley Edwards 2 TDs.
Carson Valley Men’s Golf results
The following are the latest results for the Carson Valley Men’s Golf Club’s event held Sept. 30. The event was a two-man-Chapman alternate shots tournament:
Flight A Net Score: First — Dan Essary and Chris Willing 70; second — Neil Notley and Augie Martinez 74; third — Jesus Rey and Bill King 77.
Flight B: First — Bob Buker and Gary Carsten 69; second — Brick Ludington and John Carey 73; third — Roger Hala and David Morris 78.
Empire Ranch Senior Men’s results
The following are the latest results for the Empire Ranch Senior Men’s Golf Club’s individual stroke play event held on October 3:.
Flight A (Net score): First — Steve Fagnant 62; second — Gary Raybould 63; third — Gary Dalen 65; fourth — Jim Shabi 66
Flight B: First — Mike Andrade 62; second — Mike Logue 67 (by tiebreaker); third — Hank Teague 67 (by tiebreaker); fourth — Dave Ziegler 67.
Flight C: First — Ralph Bothe 63; second — John Pearson 65; third — Bob White 66; fourth — Bill Langs 67.
Closest to the pin: Blue No. 5 — Gary Raybould; blue No. 8 — Wade Walker; white No. 4 — Bob White; white No. 8 — John Tierney.
Eagle Valley Women’s Golf Club
“Ace of Aces” play off winners :
Low Gross O-T-F: Gail Nelsen (94)
Low Net O-T-F: Vicki DeVore (71)
Net Ace of Aces Playoff & Weekly Stroke Play
Flight 1:
1. Fran Beal- 70
2. Vicki DeVore- 71
3. Sandy Lawrence- 72
Flight 2:
1. Nancee Staley- 70
2. Denise Clodjeaux- 76
3. Donna Alfonso- 78
Flight 3:
1.Mary Bennett- 79
1. Mary Peebles- 79
3.Anita Treants-86
Gross Ace of Aces playoff & Weekly Stroke Play:
Flight 1:
1. Anita Ramirez- 96
2. Joyce Guy- 98
3. Mary Kay Kaluza- 98
Flight 2:
1. Gail Nelsen- 94
2. Pat Gilbert- 106
Flight 3:
1. Margaret Konieczny- 118
2. Nancy Martinelli- 125
3. Rene Deering- 127
Oct. 10 is EVWGC last tournament play of the year which is the Pink Ball Tournament. It is our October cancer charity event. All fees for play, money winnings and additional donations by members will be given to the Carson Cancer Resource Center’s Merriner Cottages. These cottages provide out of town patients and their families with lodging while undergoing exhausting chemotherapy/radiation treatments. Our women players for the day will be wearing pink in honor of this charity and support of its patients.