Nevada Governor-elect Steve Sisolak responds to a reporter's question following a news conference on health insurance at the Sawyer State Building in Las Vegas Friday, Dec. 14, 2018. The deadline for enrolling for health insurance through Nevada Health Link is midnight Saturday, Dec. 15. (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun via AP)
Gov. Steve Sisolak on Wednesday signed an executive order directing the Gaming Control Board, Department of Taxation and Purchasing Division to collect sexual harassment and discrimination policies from marijuana and gaming licensees.
That order follows the order he signed after taking office Monday creating a task force to investigate sexual harassment and discrimination and propose legislative changes to eliminate those types of problems within the executive branch agencies of state government.
The new order states private industry must also address fairness, diversity and integrity of employment relationships that reduce and eventually eliminate sexual harassment and discrimination.
The place to start that process, he said, is with those businesses that have privilege licenses — namely marijuana licensees and gaming operators.
The order also asks state purchasing to collect those same policies and procedures from current state vendors.
Gaming, taxation and purchasing were directed to provide reports by May 1 on their findings and conclusions to the governor’s office, attorney general and the Task Force on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.