The Julia C. Bulette 1864 chapter of E Clampus Vitus (ECV) is sponsoring a spaghetti feed to benefit the Churchill County Museum Jan. 26.
A spaghetti feed to raise money for the Churchill County Museum will be held Jan. 26.
Copper Queen 1915, an outpost of the Julia C. Bulette 1864 chapter of E Clampus Vitus (ECV) is sponsoring the event.
Salad, spaghetti, pepperoncini and garlic bread will be served from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The cost is $10 for adults and $7 for children under 11. To-go meals will be available for $1 more. All profits will be donated to the museum.
This is an opportunity to visit the Churchill County Museum at 1050 S. Maine St., and assist in the funding of future exhibits. Individuals as well as groups are welcome, and participation is encouraged to benefit the museum.
ECV is a non-profit organization that honors and preserves the history of the West. The territory that Copper Queen 1915 encompasses includes all of Churchill and Mineral counties, as well as a significant portion of Lyon County. Copper Queen 1915 welcomes assistance from persons or organizations in identifying places, events, or persons worthy of erecting plaques or other markers. If you are interested in providing such suggestions, attend and provide us with details.