Valedictorian learns from life’s lessons

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Co-valedictorian Lauryn Mulac has learned many lessons in her lifetime from advice given to her by an older sister to the stages of life portrayed in Thornton Wilder’s play, “Our Town.”

A lifelong resident of Fallon who calls this a good, tight-knit community, Mulac spoke Friday at the Churchill County High School graduation as the top student from the Jump Start program. Jump Start is a dual-enrollment opportunity for students on western Nevada’s high schools to take university credit from Western Nevada College. Stephanie Therianos represented the overall senior class as valedictorian. She declined several times to be interviewed.

“I always took an interest in all my subjects,” Mulac said, describing her thirst for obtaining more knowledge.

Mulac became interested in the Jump Start program because of her older sister, Emily, who was a student in the first high-school class who simultaneously took college and high-school credits. Lauryn said she was intrigued with the program because it would benefit her more, and she could obtain an Associate of Arts degree. Emily’s advice for success was short and sweet.

“Get serious, get on top of your work,” Mulac recalled, adding her parents also encouraged her.

“Our Town” also gave Lauryn a better perspective of life. Taking place in New Hampshire during the early years of the 20th century, the play gives its audience a glimpse of the three stages of everyday life beginning with youth, then with the children becoming adults an marrying and finally the final stage of death.

It’s not surprising she enjoys the theater. Mulac enjoyed her theater classes in high school, and one of the first plays she acted in was “Our Town.” In middle school, she became involved in one-act plays, a passion that extended into high school.

“I enjoyed ‘James and the Giant Peach’ because we performed for all the elementary students,” she added.

Mulac said her sophomore English teacher was a big inspiration as was Dean Schultz, the archery coach, who encouraged her to do her best. Mulac was a part of the team during her sophomore year when the team won a state championship.

Mulac, whose post-secondary plans are undecided for the fall, also has advice for current and future high-school students: “Focus on school, but don’t let it control your life.”


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