Prevailing wages, which could affect the cost of city construction projects, is among the issues supervisors will address at their next meeting.
TUESDAY UPDATE: The RV park appeal has been removed from the agenda for Thursday’s meeting.
The Board of Supervisors on Thursday will hear an appeal to a special use permit for an RV park on Old Hot Springs Road.
In January, the Planning Commission approved the SUP, which was required in order for Sierra Skies RV Park to offer 180-day stays.
At the meeting several neighboring homeowners spoke in opposition to the park, and one resident on Mark Way filed the appeal, all citing concerns the park will become a full-time residence for RV customers there.
Sierra Skies RV Resort plans to have 277 spaces for RV parking, and be built in three phases, starting with construction of a check-in building, manager’s residence, laundry facilities, restrooms, and general store along with 127 RV spaces.
The board will vote whether to approve a contract to rehab Ross Gold Park with new universally-accessible playground equipment and other updates.
The contract with Garden Shop Nursery Landscaping Division, Inc., is not to exceed $429,098.45, and is being paid for through a combination of grants and residential construction tax funds.
The board will hear about several more bills in the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature, and may take action to support or oppose them, including bills to change Nevada Open Meeting law, to lower the threshold on prevailing wage construction projects, and on care for runaway or homeless youth.
The supervisors will hear a presentation on a water use analysis study which analyzed 20,000 parcels in Carson City and looked at peak and average water usage for 19 land uses, including industrial, commercial and residential. The Planning Commission heard the presentation last month.
Convening as the Redevelopment Authority, the board will decide whether to accept discretionary spending allocations for fiscal year 2020 recommended by the Redevelopment Authority Citizens Committee. The recommendation includes $190,000 to redo the Third Street parking lot where the farmer’s market is held, $52,000 to resurface the Aquatic Facility pool deck, and $25,000 for a trash enclosure for downtown businesses.
The Board of Supervisors meet at 8:30 a.m. in the Sierra Room, Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.