WNC student Clifton Bullock, second from left, participates in the Western Regional science conference recently in Las Vegas, featuring research work his group did with inflammatory responses in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
From Oct. 7 to 9, the Nevada IDeA (Institutional Development Award) program sponsored a Western Regional science conference in Las Vegas. WNC faculty and students attended via the INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) program and gave a poster presentation.
Professors Dr. Gary Evett, Rachelle Bassen and Elizabeth Tattersall, along with students Clifton Bullock and Honor Edmands, attended the event. The conference was a sharing of scientific discovery and featured a variety of topics from cancer to microbiology. The second day of the conference included the poster session in which WNC presented on the inflammatory response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
The conference is a great way for scientists to discuss, collaborate and find insights into their research.
Plan Ahead for Winter Session, Spring Semester
Class schedules for winter and spring are now available!
WNC will offer winter classes, largely online, Dec. 16-Jan. 17, to provide students the opportunity to get ahead or recover credits. These classes are part of the spring schedule, and can be viewed at www.wnc.edu/winter-classes/.
Current students can begin registering for winter and spring classes the week of Nov. 4. New students will begin registering on Nov. 11.
Spring semester begins Jan. 21.
The full spring schedule is available at www.wnc.edu/class-schedule/.
Anyone new to WNC can apply for admission and take care of other preregistration requirements at www.wnc.edu/starthere/
Assistance from college staff members in preparation for winter and spring classes is available through the counseling/advising office.
Student Leadership Summits Offered Nov. 8, 22
Increase your confidence, discover leadership potential and position yourself to become a future leader!
All students are invited to participate in Western Nevada College’s 2019 student leadership summits in November.
The WNC’s Men’s Leadership Summit is set for Friday, Nov. 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Silver Oak Golf Course’s clubhouse. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wnc-mens-leadership-summit-fall-2019-tickets-56153907850.
The WNC Women’s Leadership Summit is set for Friday, Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Silver Oak Golf Course’s clubhouse.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wnc-womens-leadership-summit-fall-2019-tickets-68865168573?aff=erelexpmlt.
More information: Contact Heather Rikalo at heather.rikalo@wnc.edu.
High School Seniors Must Apply for Promise Scholarship by Oct. 31
The deadline is nearing for Nevada high school seniors to apply for the Nevada Promise Scholarship.
High school students who will graduate from a Nevada high school in spring 2020 and who plan to attend Western Nevada College in fall 2020, need to apply for the scholarship no later than Oct. 31 to take advantage of this amazing scholarship opportunity.
To apply for the scholarship, go to www.wnc.edu/promise/.
This state-funded scholarship pays for class fees at WNC, or any other Nevada community college, that isn’t otherwise funded by the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, the Millennium Scholarship or the Silver State Opportunity Grant.
The scholarship has saved Nevada families more than $3,000 per year, and more than 200 students are currently attending WNC through this scholarship.
WNC will work closely with applicants to assist them with the scholarship requirements, as well as the admissions and financial aid processes. Scholarship requirements include mentorship and volunteer work.
For information, phone 775-445-3340 or email nevadapromise@wnc.edu.
Don’t Miss Halloween Trick or Treating on Campus
Stop by the Virgil Getto Hall on the Fallon campus on Oct. 31 for Halloween trick or treating from 1 to 5 p.m. The college is decorated, and faculty, staff and students will be handing out candy.
This fun event is sponsored by the Associated Students of Western Nevada.
Improve Your Skills, Knowledge through Continuing Ed Program
Continue your learning through WNC’s Continuing Education program.
CPR, Self-Defense, Kids in the Kitchen and Job Interview Skills are some of the classes that are being offered in the next month.
Course details, fees and registration information are at wnc.edu/fallonce or by phoning 775-423-7565.
Upcoming classes include:
Acrylic Painting: Halloween Pumpkin — Wednesday, Oct. 23
Job Interview Skills — Wednesday, Oct. 23
Intermediate Microsoft Excel — Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. 28-Nov. 20
Heartsaver CPR AED (Adult/Child/Infant) — Wednesday, Oct. 30
Wells and Septic Systems — Monday, Nov. 4
College for Kids: Kids in the Kitchen — Tuesdays, Nov. 5-26
Initial BLS CPR for Healthcare Provider — Friday, Nov. 8
The Colorful World of Silk Painting — Tuesday, Nov. 12
Kids Holiday Crafts — Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nov. 12-Dec. 12
Self-Defense — Wednesday, Nov. 13
The Maxwell Method of DISC Behavior Profile with Training — Wednesday, Nov. 13
Heartsaver CPR AED (Adult/Child/Infant) — Thursday, Nov. 14
Babysitting Certification: Safe Sitter — Saturday, Nov. 16
-->From Oct. 7 to 9, the Nevada IDeA (Institutional Development Award) program sponsored a Western Regional science conference in Las Vegas. WNC faculty and students attended via the INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) program and gave a poster presentation.
Professors Dr. Gary Evett, Rachelle Bassen and Elizabeth Tattersall, along with students Clifton Bullock and Honor Edmands, attended the event. The conference was a sharing of scientific discovery and featured a variety of topics from cancer to microbiology. The second day of the conference included the poster session in which WNC presented on the inflammatory response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
The conference is a great way for scientists to discuss, collaborate and find insights into their research.
Plan Ahead for Winter Session, Spring Semester
Class schedules for winter and spring are now available!
WNC will offer winter classes, largely online, Dec. 16-Jan. 17, to provide students the opportunity to get ahead or recover credits. These classes are part of the spring schedule, and can be viewed at www.wnc.edu/winter-classes/.
Current students can begin registering for winter and spring classes the week of Nov. 4. New students will begin registering on Nov. 11.
Spring semester begins Jan. 21.
The full spring schedule is available at www.wnc.edu/class-schedule/.
Anyone new to WNC can apply for admission and take care of other preregistration requirements at www.wnc.edu/starthere/
Assistance from college staff members in preparation for winter and spring classes is available through the counseling/advising office.
Student Leadership Summits Offered Nov. 8, 22
Increase your confidence, discover leadership potential and position yourself to become a future leader!
All students are invited to participate in Western Nevada College’s 2019 student leadership summits in November.
The WNC’s Men’s Leadership Summit is set for Friday, Nov. 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Silver Oak Golf Course’s clubhouse. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wnc-mens-leadership-summit-fall-2019-tickets-56153907850.
The WNC Women’s Leadership Summit is set for Friday, Nov. 22 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Silver Oak Golf Course’s clubhouse.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wnc-womens-leadership-summit-fall-2019-tickets-68865168573?aff=erelexpmlt.
More information: Contact Heather Rikalo at heather.rikalo@wnc.edu.
High School Seniors Must Apply for Promise Scholarship by Oct. 31
The deadline is nearing for Nevada high school seniors to apply for the Nevada Promise Scholarship.
High school students who will graduate from a Nevada high school in spring 2020 and who plan to attend Western Nevada College in fall 2020, need to apply for the scholarship no later than Oct. 31 to take advantage of this amazing scholarship opportunity.
To apply for the scholarship, go to www.wnc.edu/promise/.
This state-funded scholarship pays for class fees at WNC, or any other Nevada community college, that isn’t otherwise funded by the Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, the Millennium Scholarship or the Silver State Opportunity Grant.
The scholarship has saved Nevada families more than $3,000 per year, and more than 200 students are currently attending WNC through this scholarship.
WNC will work closely with applicants to assist them with the scholarship requirements, as well as the admissions and financial aid processes. Scholarship requirements include mentorship and volunteer work.
For information, phone 775-445-3340 or email nevadapromise@wnc.edu.
Don’t Miss Halloween Trick or Treating on Campus
Stop by the Virgil Getto Hall on the Fallon campus on Oct. 31 for Halloween trick or treating from 1 to 5 p.m. The college is decorated, and faculty, staff and students will be handing out candy.
This fun event is sponsored by the Associated Students of Western Nevada.
Improve Your Skills, Knowledge through Continuing Ed Program
Continue your learning through WNC’s Continuing Education program.
CPR, Self-Defense, Kids in the Kitchen and Job Interview Skills are some of the classes that are being offered in the next month.
Course details, fees and registration information are at wnc.edu/fallonce or by phoning 775-423-7565.
Upcoming classes include:
Acrylic Painting: Halloween Pumpkin — Wednesday, Oct. 23
Job Interview Skills — Wednesday, Oct. 23
Intermediate Microsoft Excel — Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. 28-Nov. 20
Heartsaver CPR AED (Adult/Child/Infant) — Wednesday, Oct. 30
Wells and Septic Systems — Monday, Nov. 4
College for Kids: Kids in the Kitchen — Tuesdays, Nov. 5-26
Initial BLS CPR for Healthcare Provider — Friday, Nov. 8
The Colorful World of Silk Painting — Tuesday, Nov. 12
Kids Holiday Crafts — Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nov. 12-Dec. 12
Self-Defense — Wednesday, Nov. 13
The Maxwell Method of DISC Behavior Profile with Training — Wednesday, Nov. 13
Heartsaver CPR AED (Adult/Child/Infant) — Thursday, Nov. 14
Babysitting Certification: Safe Sitter — Saturday, Nov. 16