#In alignment with the federal guidelines extending social distancing and other measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Steve Sisolak signed additional measures extending the school closures through April 30.
#With that being said, the district regrouped on Monday to do some further planning for the remainder of the closure. We want to ensure that all learners are getting access to materials and learning opportunities and that everyone’s emotional health is supported.
#CRITICAL NOTE: All students must continue to do the work that is coming out from teachers, Pre-K through 12th grade. The time spent learning from a distance is still counting as school days and expectations still exist that people are doing their best work and trying to meet the standards and expectations of each course and grade level.
#Teachers will continue to reach out to all students via phone calls or emails to answer questions, provide instruction, and help in any way they can. We continue to work on what is needed for seniors to graduate, so keep working seniors.
#Additional Information from the District Technology Update
#● If you still need help securing internet for your child to continue Learning From a Distance, contact Nate Waite: waiten@churchillcsd.com. He will call back (it may be from a number you don’t recognize, so we ask that you answer if you can).
#● The district is continuing to work on solutions for getting Chromebooks out to students and working on a solution for fixing existing Chromebook issues.
#Food Services Update
#To better serve Churchill CSD families, we have added three more sites for the remote drop-off routes. Food Services is offering pick-up sites at Allen Road/Mt. View, Serpa Way/Broadway Street and Silver State/Gummow Road. These sites will also have WiFi access.
#Remote drop-off pick-up times will remain the same (10-11 a.m.) and all buses will continue to offer Wifi services (except for Bus 53 @ Churchill Village).
#To view all Food Services pick-up locations, visit bit.ly/schoolclosureupdates.
#UPDATE TO POLICY: Children receiving meals need not be present during pick-up. Parents/guardians can pick up the meals for their children without having all family members present.
#Weekend meals have not been approved through NDA as of this date.
#Plant a Victory Garden
#Food Services distributed Victory Garden seed packets with bag lunches last week. Packets can also be picked up at the following locations in the community: The Churchill County Library, Fallon Chamber of Commerce, Telegraph Coffee, and I7 Meat & Cattle.
#Ready4K Text Messaging Service
#ChurchillCSD offers Ready4K—a fun, text-based program for children age birth through 4th-grade to keep them learning and developing! ChurchillCSD parents of children PreK through 4th-grade will receive three age-appropriate texts each week as part of our strategy to keep families engaged in their child's development. The information entered in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal
#There is no app to download, and no data plan required. Message and data rates may apply, and you can opt-out at any time.
#Nevada Census 2020
#Up through April 1, Churchill County led Nevada in the completion of the census. Keep it up.
#Nevadans can receive $20,000 for every single person that's counted for over the next 10 years. This funding will go toward our schools, veterans, healthcare and children's programs. Go out and complete your #NevadaCensus at ensus.nv.gov now!
#Complete your census, and share with others that you completed it. It’s important, safe and easy.
#How to respond: There are three ways for Nevadans to complete the census
#● Online: visit census.nv.gov
#● Phone: call English: 1-844-330-2020; Spanish: 1-844-468-2020
#● Mail: most Nevadans will receive a census invitation in the mail.
#Census IDs are NOT needed for online/phone response.
#What about state and federal testing, CTE testing, Graduation, etc.?
#Stephens will be one of three superintendents across the state, along with some local staff, participating with NDE to address all of these concerns and to build out plans for the remainder of the year regarding testing, attendance, graduation requirements, etc.
#Jhone Ebert, superintendent of Public Instruction, announced that Nevada has submitted a waiver request to the U.S. Department of Education for assessments, accountability, school identification, and reporting requirements established by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for the 2019-2020 school year.
#Check out b it.ly/ccsdlearningfromadistance for more information
-->In alignment with the federal guidelines extending social distancing and other measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, Gov. Steve Sisolak signed additional measures extending the school closures through April 30.
With that being said, the district regrouped on Monday to do some further planning for the remainder of the closure. We want to ensure that all learners are getting access to materials and learning opportunities and that everyone’s emotional health is supported.
CRITICAL NOTE: All students must continue to do the work that is coming out from teachers, Pre-K through 12th grade. The time spent learning from a distance is still counting as school days and expectations still exist that people are doing their best work and trying to meet the standards and expectations of each course and grade level.
Teachers will continue to reach out to all students via phone calls or emails to answer questions, provide instruction, and help in any way they can. We continue to work on what is needed for seniors to graduate, so keep working seniors.
Additional Information from the District Technology Update
● If you still need help securing internet for your child to continue Learning From a Distance, contact Nate Waite: waiten@churchillcsd.com. He will call back (it may be from a number you don’t recognize, so we ask that you answer if you can).
● The district is continuing to work on solutions for getting Chromebooks out to students and working on a solution for fixing existing Chromebook issues.
Food Services Update
To better serve Churchill CSD families, we have added three more sites for the remote drop-off routes. Food Services is offering pick-up sites at Allen Road/Mt. View, Serpa Way/Broadway Street and Silver State/Gummow Road. These sites will also have WiFi access.
Remote drop-off pick-up times will remain the same (10-11 a.m.) and all buses will continue to offer Wifi services (except for Bus 53 @ Churchill Village).
To view all Food Services pick-up locations, visit bit.ly/schoolclosureupdates.
UPDATE TO POLICY: Children receiving meals need not be present during pick-up. Parents/guardians can pick up the meals for their children without having all family members present.
Weekend meals have not been approved through NDA as of this date.
Plant a Victory Garden
Food Services distributed Victory Garden seed packets with bag lunches last week. Packets can also be picked up at the following locations in the community: The Churchill County Library, Fallon Chamber of Commerce, Telegraph Coffee, and I7 Meat & Cattle.
Ready4K Text Messaging Service
ChurchillCSD offers Ready4K—a fun, text-based program for children age birth through 4th-grade to keep them learning and developing! ChurchillCSD parents of children PreK through 4th-grade will receive three age-appropriate texts each week as part of our strategy to keep families engaged in their child's development. The information entered in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal
There is no app to download, and no data plan required. Message and data rates may apply, and you can opt-out at any time.
Nevada Census 2020
Up through April 1, Churchill County led Nevada in the completion of the census. Keep it up.
Nevadans can receive $20,000 for every single person that's counted for over the next 10 years. This funding will go toward our schools, veterans, healthcare and children's programs. Go out and complete your #NevadaCensus at ensus.nv.gov now!
Complete your census, and share with others that you completed it. It’s important, safe and easy.
How to respond: There are three ways for Nevadans to complete the census
● Online: visit census.nv.gov
● Phone: call English: 1-844-330-2020; Spanish: 1-844-468-2020
● Mail: most Nevadans will receive a census invitation in the mail.
Census IDs are NOT needed for online/phone response.
What about state and federal testing, CTE testing, Graduation, etc.?
Stephens will be one of three superintendents across the state, along with some local staff, participating with NDE to address all of these concerns and to build out plans for the remainder of the year regarding testing, attendance, graduation requirements, etc.
Jhone Ebert, superintendent of Public Instruction, announced that Nevada has submitted a waiver request to the U.S. Department of Education for assessments, accountability, school identification, and reporting requirements established by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for the 2019-2020 school year.
Check out b it.ly/ccsdlearningfromadistance for more information