#Library Book Return
#Do you have library books at home? If so, your school needs them back. If you can, bring them to the entryway of your school and drop in the filing cabinet for grades K-5 or a tub/box by the office at the MS and HS.
#Schools will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. for library book collection and Chromebook repairs. We are sorry to say we can't check out new books to you, but each school has eBooks to keep your family stocked with reading material! Please see your school's page at our Learning from a Distance website for more information.
#For learners who cannot bring books back during the closure, we understand and know that we can get them back from you at another time.
#You can now apply for a Nevada library card online! Apply for a library card on their website: https://www.churchillcountylibrary.org/ and check out their resources at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H1tJOA7Vh2IeKXr1aPeBuUHa823wSHo-/view
#ChurchillCSD All-Stars
#We would like to introduce you to a fun and supportive way to send a shout out to our families, students, staff, and/or members of our community! Each week, we welcome anyone who would like to nominate someone to submit their nominations by noon on Friday. Submissions can be made at this link: http://bit.ly/ccsdtop10 View the flyer here: h ttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jjJ7Lkcey6t6jZFHBLILyxgg0HdDfktN
#At the end of the day on Friday, the district will play its “Top Ten Stars of the Week.” So far we have collected over 100 nominations for this week alone, and we will continue to celebrate more All-Stars each week! We will post the All-Stars on our Learning from a Distance website , Facebook, and Peachjar!
#CRITICAL NOTE: All students must continue to do the work that is coming out from teachers, Pre-K through 12th-grade. The time spent learning from a distance is still counting as school days and expectations still exist that people are doing their best work and trying to meet the standards and expectations of each course and grade level.
#Teachers will continue to reach out to all students via phone calls or emails to answer questions, provide instruction, and help in any way they can. We continue to work on what is needed for seniors to graduate, so keep working seniors.
#Important Note: We are still serving our breakfasts and lunches on Monday-Friday at bus route locations and three schools. We wanted to assure families, as we have fielded questions and concerns that our local food distribution is no longer going to be provided.
#Internet Connectivity
#Getting connected is an essential part of learning from a distance. It allows us to stay in contact and provide support to students. We recognize that challenges exist to get all our students online. We want to make sure we offer you every possible solution that we can, please take a look at the following options available to you and your family.
#Options for Getting Internet Service to Your Home The following community partners are helping students get internet at their homes:
#• Verizon subscribers will be receiving 15GB additional data to their plans. If you have not seen that reflected on your profile yet, you can call Verizon.
#• CC Communications is offering free internet to families with children who need it for school through the school year. This offer is good even if there are previous bills past due. Call 423-7171 ext. 1450 for further information.
#• Charter is also offering internet to families with children that require it for school. Call 1-844-488-8395 for further information.
#The district continues to look for other means to support you during this time. If the above options are not available, please call or text Nate Waite at 217-0533 or email him at waiten@churchillcsd.com.
#Using Chromebooks Offline or With Intermittent Access
#Although not ideal, there are options available for completing a variety of tasks offline with a Chromebook. View examples of how you can use a Chromebook for learning while using public WiFi for brief upload/download sessions at bit.ly/cboffline.
#These tasks should be used in conjunction with safe social distancing practices but will allow students to quickly complete tasks from a car near a public WiFi location.
#Chromebook Support
#We are now able to help students troubleshoot from home on a number of Chromebook issues. ChurchillCSD's technical support "Help Desk" has been opened up so that students can submit help tickets.
#● For support, send an email to support@oasisol.com
#● Please provide a short description of the problem and include a phone number where you can be reached
#● Emails must come from your school district issued student email address
#(District issued email addresses format: lastnamefirstname@fallongreenwave.com. If you are unable to access your email from your Chromebook, please sign in to your Gmail account from a different device to submit your help ticket.)
#• If you are unable to resolve any technical issues with guidance from our team and have been advised to exchange your device, please refer to the process outlined below.
#Process for all ChurchillCSD students to exchange devices
#Beginning Monday, Chromebooks can be dropped off on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-11 a.m. at your (or your child's) school's front office. There will be a Chromebook with a bar code reader set-up in the office to minimize contact during the exchange.
#To exchange devices:
#1. The staff member at the desk will ask for your name and a description of your Chromebook's issue.
#2. Pass your current Chromebook's bar code by the scanner to check it back in.
#3. Place the old Chromebook in the “quarantine” tub.
#4. The staff member will place a fresh device on the ledge for you to pick up.
#5. Pass the new one by the scanner to check it out.
#6. Staff members will confirm that it is checked out and you may leave.
#Please maintain 6 feet of distance with anyone else onsite; tape will be on the ground indicating six feet of distance in the waiting area. Please minimize contact with all surfaces during device exchanges.
#Supplies available for pick-up at food distribution sites/routes
#We have some limited school supplies that can be picked up when meals are picked up—if you are in need of something, please email shyned@churchillcsd.com and we can try to get those into the boxes at the stops if we have access to that type of supply. Items may include markers, colors, paper, pencils, pencil sharpeners, tape, etc. We received a wonderful donation from Walmart with many of these supplies.
#New Student/Kindergarten Registration and Pre-K Applications
#If you are new to the area or need to register your incoming kindergarten student, registration information and packets can be found at this link: http://www.churchillcsd.com/parents-students/register-for-school.
#Note on Vaccination Requirements: The State of Nevada will be giving an extension on immunizations due to postponed non-essential services in doctors’ offices. Students may be enrolled in school regardless of immunization status at this time. Students that have enrolled at this time and are not up-to-date on vaccines will be contacted by our Chief School Nurse to guide and inform families of opportunities to become compliant with state requirements.
#● For incoming kindergarten through 5th-grade students, completed registration forms can be emailed to shyned@churchillcsd.com
#● Completed Pre-K Applications can be emailed to kelseya@churchillcsd.com
#Please Note: Completing and submitting a Pre-Kindergarten Application does not guarantee that a child will be accepted to the Pre-Kindergarten program.
#Food Services Update
#Food Services is offering pick-up sites at Allen Road/Mt. View, Serpa Way/Broadway Street and Silver State/Gummow Road. These sites will also have WiFi access.
#Remote drop-off pick-up times will remain the same (10-11 a.m.) and all buses will continue to offer Wifi services (except for Bus 53 @ Churchill Village).
#To view all Food Services pick-up locations, visit bit.ly/schoolclosureupdates.
#UPDATE TO POLICY: Children receiving meals need not be present during pick-up. Parents/guardians can pick up the meals for their children without having all family members present.
#Weekend meals have not been approved through NDA as of this date.
#Nevada Census 2020
#Churchill County lead Nevada in the completion of the census. Keep it up.
#Nevadans can receive $20,000 for every single person that's counted for over the next 10 years. This funding will go toward our schools, veterans, healthcare and children's programs. Go out and complete your #NevadaCensus at census.nv.gov now!
#Complete your census, and share with others that you completed it. It’s important, safe and easy.
#How to respond: There are three ways for Nevadans to complete the census
#● Online: visit census.nv.gov
#● Phone: call English: 1-844-330-2020; Spanish: 1-844-468-2020
#● Mail: most Nevadans will receive a census invitation in the mail.
#Census IDs are NOT needed for online/phone response.
-->Library Book Return
Do you have library books at home? If so, your school needs them back. If you can, bring them to the entryway of your school and drop in the filing cabinet for grades K-5 or a tub/box by the office at the MS and HS.
Schools will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. for library book collection and Chromebook repairs. We are sorry to say we can't check out new books to you, but each school has eBooks to keep your family stocked with reading material! Please see your school's page at our Learning from a Distance website for more information.
For learners who cannot bring books back during the closure, we understand and know that we can get them back from you at another time.
You can now apply for a Nevada library card online! Apply for a library card on their website: https://www.churchillcountylibrary.org/ and check out their resources at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H1tJOA7Vh2IeKXr1aPeBuUHa823wSHo-/view
ChurchillCSD All-Stars
We would like to introduce you to a fun and supportive way to send a shout out to our families, students, staff, and/or members of our community! Each week, we welcome anyone who would like to nominate someone to submit their nominations by noon on Friday. Submissions can be made at this link: http://bit.ly/ccsdtop10 View the flyer here: h ttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jjJ7Lkcey6t6jZFHBLILyxgg0HdDfktN
At the end of the day on Friday, the district will play its “Top Ten Stars of the Week.” So far we have collected over 100 nominations for this week alone, and we will continue to celebrate more All-Stars each week! We will post the All-Stars on our Learning from a Distance website , Facebook, and Peachjar!
CRITICAL NOTE: All students must continue to do the work that is coming out from teachers, Pre-K through 12th-grade. The time spent learning from a distance is still counting as school days and expectations still exist that people are doing their best work and trying to meet the standards and expectations of each course and grade level.
Teachers will continue to reach out to all students via phone calls or emails to answer questions, provide instruction, and help in any way they can. We continue to work on what is needed for seniors to graduate, so keep working seniors.
Important Note: We are still serving our breakfasts and lunches on Monday-Friday at bus route locations and three schools. We wanted to assure families, as we have fielded questions and concerns that our local food distribution is no longer going to be provided.
Internet Connectivity
Getting connected is an essential part of learning from a distance. It allows us to stay in contact and provide support to students. We recognize that challenges exist to get all our students online. We want to make sure we offer you every possible solution that we can, please take a look at the following options available to you and your family.
Options for Getting Internet Service to Your Home The following community partners are helping students get internet at their homes:
• Verizon subscribers will be receiving 15GB additional data to their plans. If you have not seen that reflected on your profile yet, you can call Verizon.
• CC Communications is offering free internet to families with children who need it for school through the school year. This offer is good even if there are previous bills past due. Call 423-7171 ext. 1450 for further information.
• Charter is also offering internet to families with children that require it for school. Call 1-844-488-8395 for further information.
The district continues to look for other means to support you during this time. If the above options are not available, please call or text Nate Waite at 217-0533 or email him at waiten@churchillcsd.com.
Using Chromebooks Offline or With Intermittent Access
Although not ideal, there are options available for completing a variety of tasks offline with a Chromebook. View examples of how you can use a Chromebook for learning while using public WiFi for brief upload/download sessions at bit.ly/cboffline.
These tasks should be used in conjunction with safe social distancing practices but will allow students to quickly complete tasks from a car near a public WiFi location.
Chromebook Support
We are now able to help students troubleshoot from home on a number of Chromebook issues. ChurchillCSD's technical support "Help Desk" has been opened up so that students can submit help tickets.
● For support, send an email to support@oasisol.com
● Please provide a short description of the problem and include a phone number where you can be reached
● Emails must come from your school district issued student email address
(District issued email addresses format: lastnamefirstname@fallongreenwave.com. If you are unable to access your email from your Chromebook, please sign in to your Gmail account from a different device to submit your help ticket.)
• If you are unable to resolve any technical issues with guidance from our team and have been advised to exchange your device, please refer to the process outlined below.
Process for all ChurchillCSD students to exchange devices
Beginning Monday, Chromebooks can be dropped off on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-11 a.m. at your (or your child's) school's front office. There will be a Chromebook with a bar code reader set-up in the office to minimize contact during the exchange.
To exchange devices:
1. The staff member at the desk will ask for your name and a description of your Chromebook's issue.
2. Pass your current Chromebook's bar code by the scanner to check it back in.
3. Place the old Chromebook in the “quarantine” tub.
4. The staff member will place a fresh device on the ledge for you to pick up.
5. Pass the new one by the scanner to check it out.
6. Staff members will confirm that it is checked out and you may leave.
Please maintain 6 feet of distance with anyone else onsite; tape will be on the ground indicating six feet of distance in the waiting area. Please minimize contact with all surfaces during device exchanges.
Supplies available for pick-up at food distribution sites/routes
We have some limited school supplies that can be picked up when meals are picked up—if you are in need of something, please email shyned@churchillcsd.com and we can try to get those into the boxes at the stops if we have access to that type of supply. Items may include markers, colors, paper, pencils, pencil sharpeners, tape, etc. We received a wonderful donation from Walmart with many of these supplies.
New Student/Kindergarten Registration and Pre-K Applications
If you are new to the area or need to register your incoming kindergarten student, registration information and packets can be found at this link: http://www.churchillcsd.com/parents-students/register-for-school.
Note on Vaccination Requirements: The State of Nevada will be giving an extension on immunizations due to postponed non-essential services in doctors’ offices. Students may be enrolled in school regardless of immunization status at this time. Students that have enrolled at this time and are not up-to-date on vaccines will be contacted by our Chief School Nurse to guide and inform families of opportunities to become compliant with state requirements.
● For incoming kindergarten through 5th-grade students, completed registration forms can be emailed to shyned@churchillcsd.com
● Completed Pre-K Applications can be emailed to kelseya@churchillcsd.com
Please Note: Completing and submitting a Pre-Kindergarten Application does not guarantee that a child will be accepted to the Pre-Kindergarten program.
Food Services Update
Food Services is offering pick-up sites at Allen Road/Mt. View, Serpa Way/Broadway Street and Silver State/Gummow Road. These sites will also have WiFi access.
Remote drop-off pick-up times will remain the same (10-11 a.m.) and all buses will continue to offer Wifi services (except for Bus 53 @ Churchill Village).
To view all Food Services pick-up locations, visit bit.ly/schoolclosureupdates.
UPDATE TO POLICY: Children receiving meals need not be present during pick-up. Parents/guardians can pick up the meals for their children without having all family members present.
Weekend meals have not been approved through NDA as of this date.
Nevada Census 2020
Churchill County lead Nevada in the completion of the census. Keep it up.
Nevadans can receive $20,000 for every single person that's counted for over the next 10 years. This funding will go toward our schools, veterans, healthcare and children's programs. Go out and complete your #NevadaCensus at census.nv.gov now!
Complete your census, and share with others that you completed it. It’s important, safe and easy.
How to respond: There are three ways for Nevadans to complete the census
● Online: visit census.nv.gov
● Phone: call English: 1-844-330-2020; Spanish: 1-844-468-2020
● Mail: most Nevadans will receive a census invitation in the mail.
Census IDs are NOT needed for online/phone response.