#In response to Gov. Steve Sisolak’s announcement to extend the “Distance Learning” directive through the remainder of the school year, the Carson City School District will fall in compliance and continue with Remote Learning for teachers and students through June 3.
#Superintendent Richard Stokes shared the following to school board trustees, educators and employees in a district-wide message via e-mail.
#“At a press conference yesterday, Gov. Sisolak made an official declaration that schools in Nevada would not return to 'in-person' learning for the remainder of the current school year. This means that at this time, schools will not resume normal 'on-campus' operations this year. According to our District's academic calendar, the last day of this school year is June 3, 2020.
#"As a result of the governor's decision, we will continue to provide remote learning services to our students and families until the final day of school. For the elementary grades, the packets that were prepared and distributed yesterday and today are intended to provide grade-level instructional materials through the end of the school year. Secondary materials will continue to be developed and delivered using electronic means by each teacher. The same conditions already established of teachers making contact with students are still in effect. While this system of instruction delivery is unique to the pandemic, our intent is to provide new and challenging lessons and learning opportunities for our students. Since we now know that we will be holding school remotely for the remainder of the school year, teachers will plan and deliver work and expectations accordingly. As in the past, please be aware that operations may change according to new information or conditions.
#"I am so appreciative of the concern and work that our teachers and everyone have contributed during this unusual school year. Parents, students and community members alike have expressed their appreciation for our commitment, care and professionalism as we continue to provide educational services. Thanks to our teachers and staff for their dedication, integrity, and desires to help our students and families during this extraordinary time.
#"As we turn our eyes to the immediate future, please consider that we will be facing an 'end of a school year' that will be very different from any we have experienced previously. While getting ready to bring this school year to a close, we are still being asked to maintain appropriate social distancing and not to meet in groups of more than 10 people. As such, we should expect significant limitations on any typical end of year events. Knowing that students will not be returning to our campuses, we will be providing additional guidance in closing out the school year and preparing for the next one.
#"I wish you all good health and happiness as we continue to contribute to the wellbeing of our district, community, state and nation.”
#Parents and staff members are encouraged to continue checking the Carson City School District website at www.carsoncityschools.com and its social media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for additional updates.
-->In response to Gov. Steve Sisolak’s announcement to extend the “Distance Learning” directive through the remainder of the school year, the Carson City School District will fall in compliance and continue with Remote Learning for teachers and students through June 3.
Superintendent Richard Stokes shared the following to school board trustees, educators and employees in a district-wide message via e-mail.
“At a press conference yesterday, Gov. Sisolak made an official declaration that schools in Nevada would not return to 'in-person' learning for the remainder of the current school year. This means that at this time, schools will not resume normal 'on-campus' operations this year. According to our District's academic calendar, the last day of this school year is June 3, 2020.
"As a result of the governor's decision, we will continue to provide remote learning services to our students and families until the final day of school. For the elementary grades, the packets that were prepared and distributed yesterday and today are intended to provide grade-level instructional materials through the end of the school year. Secondary materials will continue to be developed and delivered using electronic means by each teacher. The same conditions already established of teachers making contact with students are still in effect. While this system of instruction delivery is unique to the pandemic, our intent is to provide new and challenging lessons and learning opportunities for our students. Since we now know that we will be holding school remotely for the remainder of the school year, teachers will plan and deliver work and expectations accordingly. As in the past, please be aware that operations may change according to new information or conditions.
"I am so appreciative of the concern and work that our teachers and everyone have contributed during this unusual school year. Parents, students and community members alike have expressed their appreciation for our commitment, care and professionalism as we continue to provide educational services. Thanks to our teachers and staff for their dedication, integrity, and desires to help our students and families during this extraordinary time.
"As we turn our eyes to the immediate future, please consider that we will be facing an 'end of a school year' that will be very different from any we have experienced previously. While getting ready to bring this school year to a close, we are still being asked to maintain appropriate social distancing and not to meet in groups of more than 10 people. As such, we should expect significant limitations on any typical end of year events. Knowing that students will not be returning to our campuses, we will be providing additional guidance in closing out the school year and preparing for the next one.
"I wish you all good health and happiness as we continue to contribute to the wellbeing of our district, community, state and nation.”
Parents and staff members are encouraged to continue checking the Carson City School District website at www.carsoncityschools.com and its social media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for additional updates.