#The Board of Supervisors on Thursday will consider an appeal to a Planning Commission decision concerning Tahoe Western Asphalt.
#In February, the commission added a condition to the business’ special use permit that odors coming from the plant must not be detectable beyond its property line.
#The plant’s permit has been under scrutiny for a couple of years after nearby Mound House residents complained of noxious odors. In 2018, the commission required the plant to use a chemical additive to reduce the smell, but a year later the commission determined that was not working and told the business to add equipment that had proved effective at a similar plant in Fernley.
#The business appealed that decision to the board, which heard it in February but pushed it back to the commission when staff said the proposed solution wasn’t going to work either. The commission then changed the condition, telling the plant to eliminate the odor without dictating how to accomplish it.
#The board will hear the appeal to that decision at 1:30 p.m. after a lunch break.
#In the morning, the supervisors will take up other items sent to them from the Planning Commission, including changes to the development agreement for the Silver Oak residential development and rezoning of Carson City property on Butti Way where an affordable housing project is planned.
#The board will also consider redoing the city’s school zones, which have not changed since 1992. The changes proposed by Public Works are endorsed by the Carson City School District and the Sheriff’s Office.
#The proposal would expand most of the school zones. At Fritsch Elementary, for example, it would add North Division Street between Winnie Lane and Bath Street and extend Bath Street two more blocks to Pyrenees Street.
#The board will also officially implement a 5 cent tax on diesel fuel sold in the city if it passes the ordinance it first heard last month on second reading.
#The supervisors will also discuss the city’s most recent actions concerning the coronavirus crisis.
#The board meets at June 4 at 8:30 a.m. The physical location of the board’s meetings are still closed to public. To watch the meeting remotely, go to www.carson.org/granicus and click on “In progress” next to the meeting date or tune in to cable channel 191.
#Public comment can be made by emailing the comment to publiccomment@carson.org by 3 p.m. Wednesday or during the meeting by calling (408) 418-9388 and using meeting number 968 201 303.
#The agenda is available at https://www.carson.org/government/meeting-information/agendas/board-of-supervisors-agendas-with-supporting-materials/2020-agendas-with-supporting-materials/06-18-20-agenda-with-supporting-materials.
-->The Board of Supervisors on Thursday will consider an appeal to a Planning Commission decision concerning Tahoe Western Asphalt.
In February, the commission added a condition to the business’ special use permit that odors coming from the plant must not be detectable beyond its property line.
The plant’s permit has been under scrutiny for a couple of years after nearby Mound House residents complained of noxious odors. In 2018, the commission required the plant to use a chemical additive to reduce the smell, but a year later the commission determined that was not working and told the business to add equipment that had proved effective at a similar plant in Fernley.
The business appealed that decision to the board, which heard it in February but pushed it back to the commission when staff said the proposed solution wasn’t going to work either. The commission then changed the condition, telling the plant to eliminate the odor without dictating how to accomplish it.
The board will hear the appeal to that decision at 1:30 p.m. after a lunch break.
In the morning, the supervisors will take up other items sent to them from the Planning Commission, including changes to the development agreement for the Silver Oak residential development and rezoning of Carson City property on Butti Way where an affordable housing project is planned.
The board will also consider redoing the city’s school zones, which have not changed since 1992. The changes proposed by Public Works are endorsed by the Carson City School District and the Sheriff’s Office.
The proposal would expand most of the school zones. At Fritsch Elementary, for example, it would add North Division Street between Winnie Lane and Bath Street and extend Bath Street two more blocks to Pyrenees Street.
The board will also officially implement a 5 cent tax on diesel fuel sold in the city if it passes the ordinance it first heard last month on second reading.
The supervisors will also discuss the city’s most recent actions concerning the coronavirus crisis.
The board meets at June 4 at 8:30 a.m. The physical location of the board’s meetings are still closed to public. To watch the meeting remotely, go to www.carson.org/granicus and click on “In progress” next to the meeting date or tune in to cable channel 191.
Public comment can be made by emailing the comment to publiccomment@carson.org by 3 p.m. Wednesday or during the meeting by calling (408) 418-9388 and using meeting number 968 201 303.
The agenda is available at https://www.carson.org/government/meeting-information/agendas/board-of-supervisors-agendas-with-supporting-materials/2020-agendas-with-supporting-materials/06-18-20-agenda-with-supporting-materials.