#Hi Senators, former senators, and everyone else. Prom clothing is always a major stress for everyone, not just the students; however, some students have neither the time nor the money to purchase outfits, so Carson High is asking everyone to help promote reusing prom clothing of the past. When consumers buy used clothing, they promote sustainability, and that is kinda cool, so the nurses have generously offered to collect prom clothing donations for any students or staff possessing gently used prom outfits to donate. Everyone…yes, everyone…is encouraged to bring their donations to the nurse's office next week so students can shop in time for the April 4 event. Announcements are being launched everywhere, but time is short, so will all those wanting to help out contact CHS’ nurse’s office at 283-1910, or email head nurse Sheila Story at sstory@carson.k12.nv.us. “School Mental Health Worker Kelly Edmundson reached out looking for help with a prom dress for a student, and I was not able to assist as I have no money available for that purpose, but I did find out about Lexie's Prom Closet,” said Special Projects Coordinator, Foster Care and McKinney-Vento Liaison Peggy Sweetland.
#Lexie’s Prom Closet is located at 100 North Arlington Street, Arlington Towers, and is only open March 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Though they have prom dresses, tuxedos, and jewelry, they are open on just this one day because Washoe County goes on break. Sweetland added, “Lexie's has a great selection of clothing available to youth who can't afford clothing for prom, and kids walk out with their items at no charge.” However, who needs to worry about this when CHS students have Carson City to step up and provide a helping hand, and maybe even a ride, and how about dinner and desert to a starving student.
# CHS Photography instructor Kara Ferrin said, “As I'm sure you are all aware, Damonte Ranch High School has had quite a few tragic events happen and have lost five students in the last couple months; Damonte is my neighborhood, and the students and parents are struggling, rightfully so; many community members are showing support in various ways, and I thought we could make a sign or banner from CHS to show support and love, so my students have made a banner, and we are inviting everyone to write words of encouragement and support, and we will then deliver it to the school,” Ferrin said. “We know how hard it is to experience tragedy and continue to be Carson Strong, so let's help Damonte be Mustang Strong.”
#The CHS spring musical Return to the Forbidden Planet will run March 19- 22 with shows at 7 p.m. and 2 p.m. for the Saturday and Sunday matinees at the Bob Boldrick theater at the Community Center. Theatre Arts teacher Lynette Gardner said, “You won't want to miss this hilarious spoof on Shakespeare's play The Tempest; the music is all rock and roll from the 1950s and 1960s with ‘Wipeout,’ ‘Teenager in Love,’ and ‘Good Vibrations’ just to name a few.” More than 30 students are involved with this production, and tickets may be purchased at the door, $5 for students and $7 for adults.
#Advanced Creative Writing classes are launching a CHS, first ever, online literary magazine, Bolt of Blue. All students are invited to send their original poems, non-fiction, or fiction pieces to room 306 or the CHS Library. Jocelyn Estrada said, “Attention all writers, are you tired of having too much teenage angst your parents and teachers simply just do not understand, well, let us give you the outlet you deserve.” According to Madison Dunlap, “Spill all your complicated feelings, and let everyone know it is, in fact, not a phase, or submit a piece that makes your mood fly high and puts you on top of the world; you are a writer, and you make the rules of your own piece.” CHS Language Arts and Advanced Creative Writing teacher Brigette Pugh said, “Hi friends, I wanted to connect with the English teachers and teachers of creative folks to make sure you have heard about CHS's new online literary magazine, Bolt of Blue.” Pugh added, “We are launching by the end of the school year and just opened up our submission window, which runs through the end of February; we are looking for poetry, fiction and narrative non-fiction.” Pugh also wants everyone to know that “Publishing credits look great on resumes, scholarship applications, and are something to put on the Senior Project achievements page; not all of our creative students have room in their schedule to take creative writing, but now they have a way to share their work with others.” Full guidelines are found at senatorsnow.org. For more information, contact Brigette Pugh at 283-1806 or bpugh@carson.k12.nv.us.
#Maker Monday at the CHS Library is an ongoing opportunity for students to ease their brains back into school after a weekend of sleeping in, especially as they are enjoying a four-day-weekend right now. Students and staff are invited to stop by the library on Mondays during lunch to create, connect and practice self-care. Building birdhouses is a request as well. Skilled individuals, working or retired, are invited to come to the high school and teach these crafts and more. Please call Ananda Campbell, Library Media Specialist, at 283-1641, or email her at chsenatorslibrary.weebly.com for more information.
# “We are headed to SF for a choral festival this semester and to hear the San Francisco Symphony, and we would love to see you at any of our performances at the Carson City Community Center,” said J. Andrew Sonnemaker, CHS Fine Arts Department Chair and Choral Music Educator. “You may also hear all of the awesome choral students in the district by attending Choir-Palooza in the CHS Big Gym at 7 p.m. April 9; we will have a senior showcase featuring recipients of the CHS Fine Arts Diploma at CHS in Senator Square May 12 at 6 p.m.” Sonnemaker added. Sonnemaker also said, “Our final Choral concert of the year is May 20 at 7 p.m.; the Carson City community has been very helpful with the portion of the Firehouse Subs sales being donated to the CHS Choral Department to help students get to the festival this year, but more is needed. For more information about helping out, please call 283-1778, or email asonnemaker@carson.k12.nv.us.
#The Carson City Lions Club may award one or more scholarships up to $2,000, $500 per semester for eight semesters. Applicants must have at least a 2.75 GPA, must submit three letters of recommendation, and must have their counselor complete a Counselor Recommendation Form that must be attached to the application when turned in. Applications are in the Guidance Office and are due to the Counseling Office by March 30 or received by the Lion’s Club by April 1. The Scoop is available online at www.carsonhigh.com, go to “Academics” then “Counseling Department” then “The Scoop,” or you can pick one up in the Counseling Office.
#All CHS students have the opportunity to improve their scores and abilities in the on-campus after school tutoring program. Do not wait for a parent, teacher, or counselor’s phone call home to decide to improve grades and academic standing in all classes. The after school program not only provides skilled tutors but also snacks and bus rides home, so do not wait; advocate before it is too late.
#The “A Frozen Night to Remember” Annual Father-Daughter Ball, a community-wide event for all ages held at CHS, is coming April 3 from 6-9 p.m. Tickets are $40 per couple, and $10 for each additional daughter. Tickets may be purchased in person at the CHS main office on the following dates only: March 18, 25 between 2-4 p.m. or March 28 between 9 a.m.-noon at the CHS Big Gym entrance. Tickets may also be purchased by going to eventbrite.com/e/a-frozen-night-to-remember-father-daughter-ball-carson-city-tickets-80961912259?aff=ebdssbeac. Online ticket purchase fee applies. Cash or checks taken only for in-person ticket purchases. No credit cards please. Please email CHS teacher Angila Golik at agolik@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
#CHS’ Safe and Sober 5k Run and Walk is April 25 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Carson Middle School track. Interested walkers and runners may find the application at carsonhighsafegrad.com. The Safe Grad Committee is looking for sponsors and raffle prize donations too. Register early by mailing in a form and check payable to Carson High Safe Grad Booster, PO Box 486 Carson City, NV 89702.
#Brandon Steel is the CHS Student of the Week. “He is ambitious and intrinsically motivated” said his CHS Social Studies teacher Nicole Fagundes. “He is a hard worker and has overcome challenges during his high school career, and these challenges molded this young man into a mature, reflective, and top-rate student” Fagundes added. Nominated by Nicole Fagundes, she went on to say “He has a professional demeanor and has earned the respect of the faculty, community, and his peers; Brandon exudes kindness and compassion while exemplifying a high moral code, and he is the type of student who you always look forward to seeing on your class roster.” Congratulations to Brandon Steel. CHS is fortunate to have such a fine young man representing the high school in his future endeavors.
-->Hi Senators, former senators, and everyone else. Prom clothing is always a major stress for everyone, not just the students; however, some students have neither the time nor the money to purchase outfits, so Carson High is asking everyone to help promote reusing prom clothing of the past. When consumers buy used clothing, they promote sustainability, and that is kinda cool, so the nurses have generously offered to collect prom clothing donations for any students or staff possessing gently used prom outfits to donate. Everyone…yes, everyone…is encouraged to bring their donations to the nurse's office next week so students can shop in time for the April 4 event. Announcements are being launched everywhere, but time is short, so will all those wanting to help out contact CHS’ nurse’s office at 283-1910, or email head nurse Sheila Story at sstory@carson.k12.nv.us. “School Mental Health Worker Kelly Edmundson reached out looking for help with a prom dress for a student, and I was not able to assist as I have no money available for that purpose, but I did find out about Lexie's Prom Closet,” said Special Projects Coordinator, Foster Care and McKinney-Vento Liaison Peggy Sweetland.
Lexie’s Prom Closet is located at 100 North Arlington Street, Arlington Towers, and is only open March 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Though they have prom dresses, tuxedos, and jewelry, they are open on just this one day because Washoe County goes on break. Sweetland added, “Lexie's has a great selection of clothing available to youth who can't afford clothing for prom, and kids walk out with their items at no charge.” However, who needs to worry about this when CHS students have Carson City to step up and provide a helping hand, and maybe even a ride, and how about dinner and desert to a starving student.
CHS Photography instructor Kara Ferrin said, “As I'm sure you are all aware, Damonte Ranch High School has had quite a few tragic events happen and have lost five students in the last couple months; Damonte is my neighborhood, and the students and parents are struggling, rightfully so; many community members are showing support in various ways, and I thought we could make a sign or banner from CHS to show support and love, so my students have made a banner, and we are inviting everyone to write words of encouragement and support, and we will then deliver it to the school,” Ferrin said. “We know how hard it is to experience tragedy and continue to be Carson Strong, so let's help Damonte be Mustang Strong.”
The CHS spring musical Return to the Forbidden Planet will run March 19- 22 with shows at 7 p.m. and 2 p.m. for the Saturday and Sunday matinees at the Bob Boldrick theater at the Community Center. Theatre Arts teacher Lynette Gardner said, “You won't want to miss this hilarious spoof on Shakespeare's play The Tempest; the music is all rock and roll from the 1950s and 1960s with ‘Wipeout,’ ‘Teenager in Love,’ and ‘Good Vibrations’ just to name a few.” More than 30 students are involved with this production, and tickets may be purchased at the door, $5 for students and $7 for adults.
Advanced Creative Writing classes are launching a CHS, first ever, online literary magazine, Bolt of Blue. All students are invited to send their original poems, non-fiction, or fiction pieces to room 306 or the CHS Library. Jocelyn Estrada said, “Attention all writers, are you tired of having too much teenage angst your parents and teachers simply just do not understand, well, let us give you the outlet you deserve.” According to Madison Dunlap, “Spill all your complicated feelings, and let everyone know it is, in fact, not a phase, or submit a piece that makes your mood fly high and puts you on top of the world; you are a writer, and you make the rules of your own piece.” CHS Language Arts and Advanced Creative Writing teacher Brigette Pugh said, “Hi friends, I wanted to connect with the English teachers and teachers of creative folks to make sure you have heard about CHS's new online literary magazine, Bolt of Blue.” Pugh added, “We are launching by the end of the school year and just opened up our submission window, which runs through the end of February; we are looking for poetry, fiction and narrative non-fiction.” Pugh also wants everyone to know that “Publishing credits look great on resumes, scholarship applications, and are something to put on the Senior Project achievements page; not all of our creative students have room in their schedule to take creative writing, but now they have a way to share their work with others.” Full guidelines are found at senatorsnow.org. For more information, contact Brigette Pugh at 283-1806 or bpugh@carson.k12.nv.us.
Maker Monday at the CHS Library is an ongoing opportunity for students to ease their brains back into school after a weekend of sleeping in, especially as they are enjoying a four-day-weekend right now. Students and staff are invited to stop by the library on Mondays during lunch to create, connect and practice self-care. Building birdhouses is a request as well. Skilled individuals, working or retired, are invited to come to the high school and teach these crafts and more. Please call Ananda Campbell, Library Media Specialist, at 283-1641, or email her at chsenatorslibrary.weebly.com for more information.
“We are headed to SF for a choral festival this semester and to hear the San Francisco Symphony, and we would love to see you at any of our performances at the Carson City Community Center,” said J. Andrew Sonnemaker, CHS Fine Arts Department Chair and Choral Music Educator. “You may also hear all of the awesome choral students in the district by attending Choir-Palooza in the CHS Big Gym at 7 p.m. April 9; we will have a senior showcase featuring recipients of the CHS Fine Arts Diploma at CHS in Senator Square May 12 at 6 p.m.” Sonnemaker added. Sonnemaker also said, “Our final Choral concert of the year is May 20 at 7 p.m.; the Carson City community has been very helpful with the portion of the Firehouse Subs sales being donated to the CHS Choral Department to help students get to the festival this year, but more is needed. For more information about helping out, please call 283-1778, or email asonnemaker@carson.k12.nv.us.
The Carson City Lions Club may award one or more scholarships up to $2,000, $500 per semester for eight semesters. Applicants must have at least a 2.75 GPA, must submit three letters of recommendation, and must have their counselor complete a Counselor Recommendation Form that must be attached to the application when turned in. Applications are in the Guidance Office and are due to the Counseling Office by March 30 or received by the Lion’s Club by April 1. The Scoop is available online at www.carsonhigh.com, go to “Academics” then “Counseling Department” then “The Scoop,” or you can pick one up in the Counseling Office.
All CHS students have the opportunity to improve their scores and abilities in the on-campus after school tutoring program. Do not wait for a parent, teacher, or counselor’s phone call home to decide to improve grades and academic standing in all classes. The after school program not only provides skilled tutors but also snacks and bus rides home, so do not wait; advocate before it is too late.
The “A Frozen Night to Remember” Annual Father-Daughter Ball, a community-wide event for all ages held at CHS, is coming April 3 from 6-9 p.m. Tickets are $40 per couple, and $10 for each additional daughter. Tickets may be purchased in person at the CHS main office on the following dates only: March 18, 25 between 2-4 p.m. or March 28 between 9 a.m.-noon at the CHS Big Gym entrance. Tickets may also be purchased by going to eventbrite.com/e/a-frozen-night-to-remember-father-daughter-ball-carson-city-tickets-80961912259?aff=ebdssbeac. Online ticket purchase fee applies. Cash or checks taken only for in-person ticket purchases. No credit cards please. Please email CHS teacher Angila Golik at agolik@carson.k12.nv.us for more information.
CHS’ Safe and Sober 5k Run and Walk is April 25 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Carson Middle School track. Interested walkers and runners may find the application at carsonhighsafegrad.com. The Safe Grad Committee is looking for sponsors and raffle prize donations too. Register early by mailing in a form and check payable to Carson High Safe Grad Booster, PO Box 486 Carson City, NV 89702.
Brandon Steel is the CHS Student of the Week. “He is ambitious and intrinsically motivated” said his CHS Social Studies teacher Nicole Fagundes. “He is a hard worker and has overcome challenges during his high school career, and these challenges molded this young man into a mature, reflective, and top-rate student” Fagundes added. Nominated by Nicole Fagundes, she went on to say “He has a professional demeanor and has earned the respect of the faculty, community, and his peers; Brandon exudes kindness and compassion while exemplifying a high moral code, and he is the type of student who you always look forward to seeing on your class roster.” Congratulations to Brandon Steel. CHS is fortunate to have such a fine young man representing the high school in his future endeavors.