#Is this pandemic over with yet? Nope!
#Not to beat a dead horse, but what is everyone doing with all this time off?
#For some, time off would be a fantastic development in their busy lives, and for others, time off would be an awful development because they are not able to pay their bills if they cannot go to work.
#The point here is clear; those who need time off cannot have it, and those who have time off do not want it. This is where hope, attitude, and contentment come into play. It is time for a laugh.
#According to Ellen DeGeneres, “Do you live each day as if it is your first or your last? Either way, you should probably have a diaper on.” Sure, administrators, teachers, and especially the students in the Carson City School District wish the pandemic would end, and fast, but they are hanging in there and not complaining.
#How could they complain? They are shining like lights in the darkness because every intelligent person knows it is always darkest before the dawn. On average, and this is not official of course, but it has got to be close, administrators, teachers and students are sitting in front of their digital devices between two and four hours longer than normal each day. Most of these teachers have around 170 students, so each day involves dialoguing with students, answering emails, and meeting via Zoom, Google Meet, or Google Hangout, in order to provide online assignments, teach their classes, give feedback, and get all assignments posted and graded each week. And they are keeping a positive attitude while they do it.
#According to CHS teacher Julie Gabica, “I am exhausted with chasing every student and every parent and every guardian and every grandmother and every family dog with every circumstance using every method of communication known to man and carrier pigeon every minute of every day; I am ready to jump into your screen (I have a photo of the ocean behind me on my Zoom account) and ride the waves, unlike the tsunami we are riding and trying to survive right now.”
#Gabica went on to comment about where she would rather be by saying, “At least at Lake Tahoe the worst that could happen is that I could get wet.”
#The dawn of a new day is approaching. According to Gov. Sisolak, “By so many metrics, we’re on the map for being one of the best states at taking social distancing seriously…and no one should be surprised, because when you stay home for Nevada, you do it for your neighbors, your family and your community.” The sun is shining, a new day is approaching, so make sure you are living every day to its fullest.
#Carson High School’s own Special Education Teacher, Kyle Anderson, recently wrote, and saw published, his book, “To the Edge: Successes & Failures Through Risk-Taking.” Anderson said his desire to publish began in March 2019. “After many months of refining an idea, I started writing a book, and after a couple of months of writing, I presented my idea to Edumatch Publishing.
#“Within a few weeks, and after a few changes to what I had written, Edumatch offered me a contract to publish my book.
#“Over the course of the next few months, I completed my first draft, sought input on the text from a variety of people, designed the cover, and completed revisions needed after my editor read my draft,” Anderson added.
#Anderson’s book became available for purchase March 7. What is this book about? To The Edge takes a look at Anderson’s life and career as an educator and analyzes times in which, he said, “I have taken risks, had consequences, good and bad, from those risks, and I have learned that from those risks I was able to shape who I am as a person and educator today.”
#Through reading this book, Anderson’s goal is to inspire others to take more risks in their lives and careers. Anderson is not only excited to share his learned experiences, he also invites his readers to contact him.
#He said, “Readers may connect with me and learn more about the book on my website: totheedgeedu.com, my blog, andersonedtech.com, twitter@andersonedtech), through instagram@andersonedtech, and instagram@totheedgeedu.”
#He may also be contacted, via email, at andersonedtech@gmail.com, andersonedtech.net, and his book may be purchased by looking for To The Edge on amazon.com/, and barnesandnoble.com/. Kyle Anderson is also a Google Certified Educator, Level 1 and 2, Google Certified Trainer #GoogleET, Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, Pear Deck Certified Coach, Apple Teacher, Mac and iPad , and a Flipgrid Certified Educator.
#Sarah Lobsinger, professor of Education at Western Nevada College, said “Hello, School District friends, I wanted to share this invite with all of your staff members because I would like to connect education students and events with local school districts.” Lobsinger went on to say, “I would like to invite you to ‘like’ and follow our new WNC Wildcat Teach Facebook page; we will use this page to share stories, upcoming events, and more, so check it out at facebook.com/wncwildcatteach/.” “If you have a page you would like us to follow, or posts you would like us to share, let us know” Lobsinger added. For information, call Lobsinger at 775-445-4427, or email her at sarah.lobsinger@wnc.edu.
#Yes, this year’s Carneta is almost here. Right now, CHS adviser Patt Quinn-Davis and CHS administrators are working out best ways possible to get the books delivered to students. Missed buying last year's Carneta yearbook? Because of an overrun, CHS has some of last year's Carnetas for sale at the incredible price of $50, so pick one up. This sale is available through the end of May. Email CHS Journalism teacher and yearbook adviser Patt Quinn-Davis at pquinn@carson.k12.nv.us to get a yearbook from years ago, last year, or even one for this year.
#Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at carsonhigh.com by clicking Academics, Counseling Department, and The Scoop on the left. The CHS Guidance Office is also there to help students by calling 283-1915, or emailing counselor Amanda Chambers at achambers@carson.k12.nv.us to make an appointment.
#Do not need it anymore, donate it to support Carson High Safe Grad 2020. Drop off donation time will be today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the CHS North parking lot, 1111 North Saliman Road. Looking for the following items to be donated: Adult and children’s clothing, shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots, jackets, coats, purses, wallets, belts, ties, blankets, bedspreads, comforters, towels, linen, stuffed animals, books, and small household items. All items must be in either large boxes or garbage bags and must be reusable. Tax write-off receipts will be provided. Also, if dropping it off is a problem, email the CHS Safe Grad boosters to arrange a pick up at carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com. Have left over items from a yard sale, contact CHS Safe Grad boosters to donate. Proceeds from the clothing drive go to support Carson High Safe Grad 2020 and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada.
#Now is the time to volunteer as a member of the 2019-2020 CHS Safe Grad Committee. Though life, like a phone call, has been put on hold, modern times and modern healthcare show this will not last forever, so do not throw in the towel yet. Safe Grad meetings occur the second Saturday every month at Remax Realty, 716 N. Carson St., on the 2nd floor. Interested? Go to carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com., and look into helping continue to make this event a reality. Safe Grad is looking for sponsors and raffle prize donations too because this event has no other means of support than that of the community. Nubia Leon is the Social Media Advertising Coordinator, and she may be reached at carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com. Also, contact CHS Safe Grad Secretary, Wendy Yang at 720-6160, or President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635.
#The CHS Student of the Week is Nancy Santiago-Roman. Nancy was nominated by her Spanish teacher, Natividad ArriazaDePhillips, who said “Nancy is a student in my Spanish class, and she always connects with me; also, she does all the work before anybody else, so she is a hard working sweetheart.” Congratulations to Nancy Santiago-Roman, a CHS student who stands out for her hard work and kindness.
#Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.
-->Is this pandemic over with yet? Nope!
Not to beat a dead horse, but what is everyone doing with all this time off?
For some, time off would be a fantastic development in their busy lives, and for others, time off would be an awful development because they are not able to pay their bills if they cannot go to work.
The point here is clear; those who need time off cannot have it, and those who have time off do not want it. This is where hope, attitude, and contentment come into play. It is time for a laugh.
According to Ellen DeGeneres, “Do you live each day as if it is your first or your last? Either way, you should probably have a diaper on.” Sure, administrators, teachers, and especially the students in the Carson City School District wish the pandemic would end, and fast, but they are hanging in there and not complaining.
How could they complain? They are shining like lights in the darkness because every intelligent person knows it is always darkest before the dawn. On average, and this is not official of course, but it has got to be close, administrators, teachers and students are sitting in front of their digital devices between two and four hours longer than normal each day. Most of these teachers have around 170 students, so each day involves dialoguing with students, answering emails, and meeting via Zoom, Google Meet, or Google Hangout, in order to provide online assignments, teach their classes, give feedback, and get all assignments posted and graded each week. And they are keeping a positive attitude while they do it.
According to CHS teacher Julie Gabica, “I am exhausted with chasing every student and every parent and every guardian and every grandmother and every family dog with every circumstance using every method of communication known to man and carrier pigeon every minute of every day; I am ready to jump into your screen (I have a photo of the ocean behind me on my Zoom account) and ride the waves, unlike the tsunami we are riding and trying to survive right now.”
Gabica went on to comment about where she would rather be by saying, “At least at Lake Tahoe the worst that could happen is that I could get wet.”
The dawn of a new day is approaching. According to Gov. Sisolak, “By so many metrics, we’re on the map for being one of the best states at taking social distancing seriously…and no one should be surprised, because when you stay home for Nevada, you do it for your neighbors, your family and your community.” The sun is shining, a new day is approaching, so make sure you are living every day to its fullest.
Carson High School’s own Special Education Teacher, Kyle Anderson, recently wrote, and saw published, his book, “To the Edge: Successes & Failures Through Risk-Taking.” Anderson said his desire to publish began in March 2019. “After many months of refining an idea, I started writing a book, and after a couple of months of writing, I presented my idea to Edumatch Publishing.
“Within a few weeks, and after a few changes to what I had written, Edumatch offered me a contract to publish my book.
“Over the course of the next few months, I completed my first draft, sought input on the text from a variety of people, designed the cover, and completed revisions needed after my editor read my draft,” Anderson added.
Anderson’s book became available for purchase March 7. What is this book about? To The Edge takes a look at Anderson’s life and career as an educator and analyzes times in which, he said, “I have taken risks, had consequences, good and bad, from those risks, and I have learned that from those risks I was able to shape who I am as a person and educator today.”
Through reading this book, Anderson’s goal is to inspire others to take more risks in their lives and careers. Anderson is not only excited to share his learned experiences, he also invites his readers to contact him.
He said, “Readers may connect with me and learn more about the book on my website: totheedgeedu.com, my blog, andersonedtech.com, twitter@andersonedtech), through instagram@andersonedtech, and instagram@totheedgeedu.”
He may also be contacted, via email, at andersonedtech@gmail.com, andersonedtech.net, and his book may be purchased by looking for To The Edge on amazon.com/, and barnesandnoble.com/. Kyle Anderson is also a Google Certified Educator, Level 1 and 2, Google Certified Trainer #GoogleET, Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator, Pear Deck Certified Coach, Apple Teacher, Mac and iPad , and a Flipgrid Certified Educator.
Sarah Lobsinger, professor of Education at Western Nevada College, said “Hello, School District friends, I wanted to share this invite with all of your staff members because I would like to connect education students and events with local school districts.” Lobsinger went on to say, “I would like to invite you to ‘like’ and follow our new WNC Wildcat Teach Facebook page; we will use this page to share stories, upcoming events, and more, so check it out at facebook.com/wncwildcatteach/.” “If you have a page you would like us to follow, or posts you would like us to share, let us know” Lobsinger added. For information, call Lobsinger at 775-445-4427, or email her at sarah.lobsinger@wnc.edu.
Yes, this year’s Carneta is almost here. Right now, CHS adviser Patt Quinn-Davis and CHS administrators are working out best ways possible to get the books delivered to students. Missed buying last year's Carneta yearbook? Because of an overrun, CHS has some of last year's Carnetas for sale at the incredible price of $50, so pick one up. This sale is available through the end of May. Email CHS Journalism teacher and yearbook adviser Patt Quinn-Davis at pquinn@carson.k12.nv.us to get a yearbook from years ago, last year, or even one for this year.
Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at carsonhigh.com by clicking Academics, Counseling Department, and The Scoop on the left. The CHS Guidance Office is also there to help students by calling 283-1915, or emailing counselor Amanda Chambers at achambers@carson.k12.nv.us to make an appointment.
Do not need it anymore, donate it to support Carson High Safe Grad 2020. Drop off donation time will be today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the CHS North parking lot, 1111 North Saliman Road. Looking for the following items to be donated: Adult and children’s clothing, shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots, jackets, coats, purses, wallets, belts, ties, blankets, bedspreads, comforters, towels, linen, stuffed animals, books, and small household items. All items must be in either large boxes or garbage bags and must be reusable. Tax write-off receipts will be provided. Also, if dropping it off is a problem, email the CHS Safe Grad boosters to arrange a pick up at carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com. Have left over items from a yard sale, contact CHS Safe Grad boosters to donate. Proceeds from the clothing drive go to support Carson High Safe Grad 2020 and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada.
Now is the time to volunteer as a member of the 2019-2020 CHS Safe Grad Committee. Though life, like a phone call, has been put on hold, modern times and modern healthcare show this will not last forever, so do not throw in the towel yet. Safe Grad meetings occur the second Saturday every month at Remax Realty, 716 N. Carson St., on the 2nd floor. Interested? Go to carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com., and look into helping continue to make this event a reality. Safe Grad is looking for sponsors and raffle prize donations too because this event has no other means of support than that of the community. Nubia Leon is the Social Media Advertising Coordinator, and she may be reached at carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com. Also, contact CHS Safe Grad Secretary, Wendy Yang at 720-6160, or President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635.
The CHS Student of the Week is Nancy Santiago-Roman. Nancy was nominated by her Spanish teacher, Natividad ArriazaDePhillips, who said “Nancy is a student in my Spanish class, and she always connects with me; also, she does all the work before anybody else, so she is a hard working sweetheart.” Congratulations to Nancy Santiago-Roman, a CHS student who stands out for her hard work and kindness.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.