#End of Year Collection and Materials Return
#We have begun to finalize the end of the year collection of materials/devices and the return of students’ belongings. Each principal is finalizing schedules, and we will send out specific information about each building’s collection plans. These plans will also be available on each school’s page of the Learning from a Distance website. We are working to ensure that you can get all of the things you need in as few trips around to schools as possible.
#No new work will be assigned after May 18th, giving students a chance to finish up the work they have to complete. May 20-22 and May 26-27 will be dates used by the buildings to return devices and materials and pick up other belongings. The school will practice social distancing and follow the expectation of no more than 10 individuals in a common space. In addition, staff will wear masks and have hand sanitizer available. We ask that you limit the number of individuals that come with you during these times.
#Beginning May 18th through the end of the school year, parents and students may contact each school’s telephone number directly with questions or concerns. You may be asked to leave a voicemail, and someone from the site will contact you back directly. We appreciate the families using the single district number during this closure so that we could ensure all of the messages were directed to the proper parties.
#CCHS Graduation Update
#There are many factors that have to come into play to host a celebration that will totally honor our Class of 2020 as they should be. The High School administration has been meeting with various stakeholders to coordinate efforts and resources and build a plan that is directly built with seniors’ and parents’ voices. We have a number of restrictions that we still have in place, so we have landed on a “drive through” graduation. Only seniors and their immediate families will be allowed to participate in their vehicles, while extended family and friends will be able to access student speeches, student messages, and the actual awarding of diplomas through live streaming (address will be published closer to the graduation date) and through our local radio station. We are working with local businesses, governments, and these stakeholders to put the best plan together. Students and families will be contacted directly by the high school regarding caps and gowns as well as other information that is needed by the school in order to host the celebration. If you are a senior, please keep focusing on your courses in order to ensure that you are meeting the graduation requirements! If you are a parent of a senior, we understand you want to finalize plans and we will keep you in the loop as things develop.
#Attendance Reminder
#In ChurchillCSD, elementary classroom teachers will continue to take attendance with their classroom students, and middle school and high school advisory teachers will take attendance one time per week for the following three weeks: 05/11-05/15, 05/18-5/22, and 05/26-27. The attendance requirement is for all students through the entirety of the closure.
#Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes in life during this past month. We are extremely appreciative of our students, families, teachers, staff, administrators, and community for being positive, flexible, and resilient during this time.
#Nominate someone who you think is a ChurchillCSD All-Star
#Please submit someone who is a Champion right now--a student, staff member, community member, or parent--Let’s celebrate the awesome job everyone is doing! Fill out your nomination at bit.ly/ccsdtop10
#Summer School Update
#All schools in the district are taking guidance from the Nevada Department of Education and the Reopening of Schools Task force as we plan for potential summer learning opportunities. At elementary and middle school, staff will be preparing options for all learners to stay engaged and connected with learning tasks throughout the summer--this summer, more than ever, may be critical for taking time to read and complete other learning tasks. The state and federal government have allowed us to carry funds forward to have more flexibility should we have to shoot for summer school to be held in July or early August. At this time, it is unclear if we will be able to do smaller, in-person groups or if we will need to continue providing support from a distance. We are also working on our plan for credit recovery to be available in June and July for high school students who need a bit of a boost toward graduation. By the end of May, a tentative plan will be shared with families. We appreciate your patience during this time as we work to navigate unknown waters on this!
#Yearbook Information
#CCHS: You can still order a 2019-2020 yearbook online! Be sure to help your students remember the good times they had this year and the memories they created by reserving their copy of the Churchill County High School yearbook. Order online to receive one of the limited remaining yearbooks and honor your student's many memories of the 2020 school year. You can order at this link: https://yearbookforever.com/
#A Message from our Counselors, Safe Schools Professionals, School Psychologists, and
Behavior Specialist
We are all eager for summer to start! We want to thank you for helping our wonderful CCSD students with distance learning on top of the many other things you are doing! As we prepare to end the school year, we would like to provide you with some contact information for your use. Stay strong and healthy; and please reach out if you and/or your students are struggling.
#Through May 29th, the Churchill County School District team of School Psychologists, Counselors, and Helping professionals will continue to be available for students. They can be reached at the following email addresses:
School Counselors | |
Churchill County High School Sherry Martin - martins@churchillcsd.com Dr. Amanda Lister - listera@churchillcsd.com Dr. Sherry Garnder - garnders@churchillcsd.com Churchill County Middle School Robin Wardwell-Wood - woodr@churchillcsd.com | Numa Elementary School Noreen Swenson - swensonn@churchillcsd.com E.C. Best Elementary School Janell Suess - suessj@churchillcsd.com Lahontan Elementary School Sean Lacow - lacows@churchillcsd.com |
School Psychologists Ruby Trappen - trappenr@churchillcsd.com Laura Laurent - laurentl@churchillcsd.com Tanya Whitaker - whitakert@churchillcsd.com Board Certified Behavior Analyst Scott Harrington - harringtons@churchillcsd.com | Family Support Specialists Students in Transition and Foster Care: Carolann Johnson - johnsonca@churchillcsd.com Indian Education Liaisons: Carlene Pacheco - pachecoc@churchillcsd.com Sabrina Howells - howellss@churchillcsd.com |
#A link to the list of available community counseling resources is available below. We encourage you to seek out the services that will best support you and your family during this challenging and unprecedented time. We are thankful for your ongoing support of the Churchill County School District.
#ChurchillCSD Helping Professionals Community Resources: https://bit.ly/ChurchillCSD_CommunityResources
#COVID-19 has been challenging and CCSD has proven to be Nevada strong. We are resilient, reliable, responsible, and have stayed connected. Social and emotional wellness has been a priority in our continued learning. If you have a need for further community support with social-emotional and mental wellness during the summer months please refer to the SafeVoice, community resources, mental health, and suicide prevention tags provided for you below.
#Safe Voice of Nevada
#SafeVoice is Nevada's 24/7/365 anonymous reporting system used to report threats to the safety or well-being of students. To make a report, call 833-216-SAFE (7233) or visit http://safevoicenv.org/ . For more information visit http://safevoicenv.org/
#If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or are a victim of a violent crime, call 911.
#National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: h ttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ National Domestic Violence Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/
-->End of Year Collection and Materials Return
We have begun to finalize the end of the year collection of materials/devices and the return of students’ belongings. Each principal is finalizing schedules, and we will send out specific information about each building’s collection plans. These plans will also be available on each school’s page of the Learning from a Distance website. We are working to ensure that you can get all of the things you need in as few trips around to schools as possible.
No new work will be assigned after May 18th, giving students a chance to finish up the work they have to complete. May 20-22 and May 26-27 will be dates used by the buildings to return devices and materials and pick up other belongings. The school will practice social distancing and follow the expectation of no more than 10 individuals in a common space. In addition, staff will wear masks and have hand sanitizer available. We ask that you limit the number of individuals that come with you during these times.
Beginning May 18th through the end of the school year, parents and students may contact each school’s telephone number directly with questions or concerns. You may be asked to leave a voicemail, and someone from the site will contact you back directly. We appreciate the families using the single district number during this closure so that we could ensure all of the messages were directed to the proper parties.
CCHS Graduation Update
There are many factors that have to come into play to host a celebration that will totally honor our Class of 2020 as they should be. The High School administration has been meeting with various stakeholders to coordinate efforts and resources and build a plan that is directly built with seniors’ and parents’ voices. We have a number of restrictions that we still have in place, so we have landed on a “drive through” graduation. Only seniors and their immediate families will be allowed to participate in their vehicles, while extended family and friends will be able to access student speeches, student messages, and the actual awarding of diplomas through live streaming (address will be published closer to the graduation date) and through our local radio station. We are working with local businesses, governments, and these stakeholders to put the best plan together. Students and families will be contacted directly by the high school regarding caps and gowns as well as other information that is needed by the school in order to host the celebration. If you are a senior, please keep focusing on your courses in order to ensure that you are meeting the graduation requirements! If you are a parent of a senior, we understand you want to finalize plans and we will keep you in the loop as things develop.
Attendance Reminder
In ChurchillCSD, elementary classroom teachers will continue to take attendance with their classroom students, and middle school and high school advisory teachers will take attendance one time per week for the following three weeks: 05/11-05/15, 05/18-5/22, and 05/26-27. The attendance requirement is for all students through the entirety of the closure.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the drastic changes in life during this past month. We are extremely appreciative of our students, families, teachers, staff, administrators, and community for being positive, flexible, and resilient during this time.
Nominate someone who you think is a ChurchillCSD All-Star
Please submit someone who is a Champion right now--a student, staff member, community member, or parent--Let’s celebrate the awesome job everyone is doing! Fill out your nomination at bit.ly/ccsdtop10
Summer School Update
All schools in the district are taking guidance from the Nevada Department of Education and the Reopening of Schools Task force as we plan for potential summer learning opportunities. At elementary and middle school, staff will be preparing options for all learners to stay engaged and connected with learning tasks throughout the summer--this summer, more than ever, may be critical for taking time to read and complete other learning tasks. The state and federal government have allowed us to carry funds forward to have more flexibility should we have to shoot for summer school to be held in July or early August. At this time, it is unclear if we will be able to do smaller, in-person groups or if we will need to continue providing support from a distance. We are also working on our plan for credit recovery to be available in June and July for high school students who need a bit of a boost toward graduation. By the end of May, a tentative plan will be shared with families. We appreciate your patience during this time as we work to navigate unknown waters on this!
Yearbook Information
CCHS: You can still order a 2019-2020 yearbook online! Be sure to help your students remember the good times they had this year and the memories they created by reserving their copy of the Churchill County High School yearbook. Order online to receive one of the limited remaining yearbooks and honor your student's many memories of the 2020 school year. You can order at this link: https://yearbookforever.com/
A Message from our Counselors, Safe Schools Professionals, School Psychologists, and
Behavior Specialist
We are all eager for summer to start! We want to thank you for helping our wonderful CCSD students with distance learning on top of the many other things you are doing! As we prepare to end the school year, we would like to provide you with some contact information for your use. Stay strong and healthy; and please reach out if you and/or your students are struggling.
Through May 29th, the Churchill County School District team of School Psychologists, Counselors, and Helping professionals will continue to be available for students. They can be reached at the following email addresses:
School Counselors | |
Churchill County High School Sherry Martin - martins@churchillcsd.com Dr. Amanda Lister - listera@churchillcsd.com Dr. Sherry Garnder - garnders@churchillcsd.com Churchill County Middle School Robin Wardwell-Wood - woodr@churchillcsd.com | Numa Elementary School Noreen Swenson - swensonn@churchillcsd.com E.C. Best Elementary School Janell Suess - suessj@churchillcsd.com Lahontan Elementary School Sean Lacow - lacows@churchillcsd.com |
School Psychologists Ruby Trappen - trappenr@churchillcsd.com Laura Laurent - laurentl@churchillcsd.com Tanya Whitaker - whitakert@churchillcsd.com Board Certified Behavior Analyst Scott Harrington - harringtons@churchillcsd.com | Family Support Specialists Students in Transition and Foster Care: Carolann Johnson - johnsonca@churchillcsd.com Indian Education Liaisons: Carlene Pacheco - pachecoc@churchillcsd.com Sabrina Howells - howellss@churchillcsd.com |
A link to the list of available community counseling resources is available below. We encourage you to seek out the services that will best support you and your family during this challenging and unprecedented time. We are thankful for your ongoing support of the Churchill County School District.
ChurchillCSD Helping Professionals Community Resources: https://bit.ly/ChurchillCSD_CommunityResources
COVID-19 has been challenging and CCSD has proven to be Nevada strong. We are resilient, reliable, responsible, and have stayed connected. Social and emotional wellness has been a priority in our continued learning. If you have a need for further community support with social-emotional and mental wellness during the summer months please refer to the SafeVoice, community resources, mental health, and suicide prevention tags provided for you below.
Safe Voice of Nevada
SafeVoice is Nevada's 24/7/365 anonymous reporting system used to report threats to the safety or well-being of students. To make a report, call 833-216-SAFE (7233) or visit http://safevoicenv.org/ . For more information visit http://safevoicenv.org/
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or are a victim of a violent crime, call 911.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: h ttps://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ National Domestic Violence Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/