#CHS is pleased to announce individuals who have excelled in their positions as Educational Support Professionals and have been recognized for their works of merit by their peers and coworkers. The ESP employees from CHS are those individuals who enable teachers to focus on the teaching of their students, and every teacher knows that without them, a school could not hope to function.
#The Classified Employee of the Year at CHS is Administrative Assistant II Robin Bleuss. Robin Bleuss has been working at CHS for 23 years in several different capacities, “all of which I loved” she said. She began her career at CHS as an Instructional Assistant in Special Education. From there, she moved to Tech Center Coordinator when the Western Nevada College High Tech Center opened their building on the CHS campus in 1999. Bleuss spent 16 years in this position until she became Registrar in the Guidance Office. After two years in this position, she realized how much she missed having summers off and applied for her current position in the Student Finance Office. Bluess said, “I love the interaction with our students and staff in this very busy office and look forward to coming to work every day.” She and her husband Frank have lived in Carson City for 38 years and have raised their three children, all CHS graduates, in this community. “All our children have graduated from Nevada colleges and have returned to the area to raise their families; we enjoy spending time with our seven grandchildren” and, Bleuss said, “CHS is an amazing place to work, and our staff is like one big family.”
#Classified Employees of the Month were announced by CHS Paraprofessional 4 Comprehensive Life Skills teacher Kristen Kellogg at the May 25 staff meeting. The winners are: Erika Sanabria Solis, Maria Dolores, Maria Navarrete, and Cherie Halverson. CHS teacher Liliana Copado said, “Our English as a Second Language paraprofessionals have, during these difficult times, gone above and beyond to keep the lines of communication open between many CHS teachers, students, and parents, and these exceptional, diligent people are always willing to go the extra mile for all of our students, regardless of whether or not they are ESL students.” All four of these paraprofessionals are very knowledgeable in many areas, and they are always willing to help anyone around the school on a daily basis.
#As is the case in every profession, retirement, like a Nevada lightning, thunder, and rain storm, approaches slowly, and then suddenly flashes its brilliant streaks of electricity and sound across the sky in the form of smiles and echoes, culminating in a downpour of tears and excitement; then, all is quiet. Several CHS teachers are retiring this year, and there is no way to put into words how difficult it is to say goodbye to each and every one of them as they have touched the lives of so many. Though quoted often, this anonymous Irish blessing is always able to put into words what everyone is feeling as they see their friends turn and walk away: “May the road rise up to meet you / May the wind be always at your back / May the sun shine warm upon your face / And rains fall soft upon your fields / And until we meet again / May God hold you in the palm of His hand.” The administrators, staff, and students of CHS, with sighs of happy sadness, will miss the following individuals who have so impacted their lives over the years: Honors American Literature, English IV, and Publications teacher and adviser Patt Quinn-Davis 1999 to 2020, Honors Spanish I - IV teacher Marisa Morrow 2005 to 2020, Blue Thunder Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Music Appreciation, and Cadet Band teacher William Zabelski 2013 to 2020, Art Foundation, Drawing, and Painting teacher Mike Malley 2006 to 2020, Counselor, Cindy Reyes 1999 to 2020, and custodian Randall George 2000 to 2020. CHS would normally be celebrating these retirees with an end-of-the-year banquet, but everyone knows why the event will not be held at CHS this year but will instead take place through a Zoom meeting June 3 at 1 p.m.
#CHS’ graduation ceremony plan is unlike any other for the Class of 2020, so put on a seatbelt and hold on for a first ever drive-through ceremony June 6. With varying times throughout the day, graduating seniors and their families will stay in their single vehicles until it is time for the graduate to exit the car. They will then have their names announced on the loudspeaker as they walk across a stage located on the northwest lawn near the blue and white concrete CHS sign. Next, each student will then collect a diploma, have a photo taken, return to a vehicle, and then proceed to the exit. Also to be noted is seniors will be able to drop off Chromebooks and cords, library books, textbooks, and other class materials June 1. Seniors will also pick up a yearbook, if purchased, Senior Awards, cap and gown, prom gift, cords, PE locker materials, hall locker materials, and varsity letters that same day.
#Though the Safe Grad trip to Magic Mountain is cancelled, they are still sponsoring the Downtown Street Banner event, and seniors should submit their photos. There is information on the Carson High website on where to send CHS Class of 2020 headshots in high resolution, and Information may also be found on the CHS Class of 2020 Parents on Facebook page. Look for a photo of the CHS emblem at school. There are two groups: One for anyone, and one for CHS Class of 2020 Senior Parents. There will be four pictures of the CHS Class of 2020 Seniors on each banner, two per side, and the cost is $28 each. Carson High Safe Grad has agreed to sponsor the project, but donations are needed and may be sent to Carson High Safe Grad Booster, PO Box 486, Carson City, NV 89702. To make a tax deductible donation online, go to carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com, click the ‘Donate’ tab, and please reference “Downtown Banners” on your donation.” Approximately $13,000 needs to be raised in order to offer it to all graduating seniors. Please contact CHS Safe Grad Secretary Wendy Yang at 720-6160, or President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635. Safe Grad will have its final meeting next week to discuss Safe Grad night.
#The 2020 Carneta is here, so please do not miss out on this unforgettable record of the most unforgettable senior year in history. CHS adviser Patt Quinn-Davis and CHS Administrators are working out details on the best way to get yearbooks delivered to students, but ordering one online is simple. Quinn-Davis, and co-adviser Alyssa Smith-Ackerley, made a very quick how-to video for ordering. Please go to youtube.com/watch?v=TkeN1ImGaGU&feature=youtu.be. Want to skip the video, no problem. Go straight to yearbookforever.com/.
#Many may as yet be unaware, but the Carneta staff of CHS is also in charge of publishing a news magazine with CHS Language Arts teachers Cynthia Mills and Alyssa Smith-Akerley. According to Smith-Akerley, “Given the state of the world and an actual global pandemic, we were unable to publish our news magazine this year, so our editors decided it would be a great time to bring CHS Publications into the 21st Century, and they created a blog: The Current Carneta. The hope is we will be updating the site weekly for the remainder of the school year as well as next year.” “Please check out some of the crazy and super talented writers we have on staff, all students at CHS, by going to sites.google.com/carson.k12.nv.us/carneta/home” Smith-Akerly added. And to everyone interested, as the school year is coming to a close, the Carneta staff is pushing hard to try and sell the CHS 2020 Carneta. The yearbook, at a cost between $85,000 and $90,000 is a completely self-sustaining program, and many do not realize CHS does not receive any funding from the District to print the Carneta. It is only through advertising and book sales from individuals, parents and students, the staff is able to continue printing. This year, editor Allison Gill really stepped up and created several spreads dedicated solely to local pandemic coverage. This book is truly something special, and every student should have a copy. Please go to yearbookforever.com and order one. Smith-Akerley said, “Our yearbook staff is full of some of the most hardworking students I have ever met, and if you know any of them, please give them a shout-out of congratulations.”
#WNC is offering a summer course “American Sign Language Special Topics Course: Bridging the gap between Hearing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Mainstream Classroom”. Students will learn how to work with a sign language interpreter, learn how to work with a deaf or hard of hearing student in the mainstream classroom, learn everyday phrases to help with communication between teacher and DHH student, and learn about deaf history, culture, and things to be aware of in order to be compliant with the American Disabilities Act in the mainstream classroom. The online three unit class, #52589, will run from June 8 through Aug. 1. For more information, please contact Margaret Craig at mcraig@carson.k12.nv.us.
#English as a Second Language Para-Professional Maria Navarette nominated Yahir Ledezma Aguayo, a freshman, as the CHS Student of the Week. Navarette said, “Yahir has been reaching out when we moved to remote learning to be on task for each of his classes, and he has been showing dedication, responsibility, and putting forth great effort to accomplish all assignments and quizzes.” She added, “He has been adapting to this new change due to COVID-19, and, despite this, he is learning how to cope with online learning, and I am so proud of him for staying on task and keeping up.” Congratulations to Yahir Ledezma Aguayo, making an ongoing positive impression on his teachers throughout the school year.
#Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.
-->CHS is pleased to announce individuals who have excelled in their positions as Educational Support Professionals and have been recognized for their works of merit by their peers and coworkers. The ESP employees from CHS are those individuals who enable teachers to focus on the teaching of their students, and every teacher knows that without them, a school could not hope to function.
The Classified Employee of the Year at CHS is Administrative Assistant II Robin Bleuss. Robin Bleuss has been working at CHS for 23 years in several different capacities, “all of which I loved” she said. She began her career at CHS as an Instructional Assistant in Special Education. From there, she moved to Tech Center Coordinator when the Western Nevada College High Tech Center opened their building on the CHS campus in 1999. Bleuss spent 16 years in this position until she became Registrar in the Guidance Office. After two years in this position, she realized how much she missed having summers off and applied for her current position in the Student Finance Office. Bluess said, “I love the interaction with our students and staff in this very busy office and look forward to coming to work every day.” She and her husband Frank have lived in Carson City for 38 years and have raised their three children, all CHS graduates, in this community. “All our children have graduated from Nevada colleges and have returned to the area to raise their families; we enjoy spending time with our seven grandchildren” and, Bleuss said, “CHS is an amazing place to work, and our staff is like one big family.”
Classified Employees of the Month were announced by CHS Paraprofessional 4 Comprehensive Life Skills teacher Kristen Kellogg at the May 25 staff meeting. The winners are: Erika Sanabria Solis, Maria Dolores, Maria Navarrete, and Cherie Halverson. CHS teacher Liliana Copado said, “Our English as a Second Language paraprofessionals have, during these difficult times, gone above and beyond to keep the lines of communication open between many CHS teachers, students, and parents, and these exceptional, diligent people are always willing to go the extra mile for all of our students, regardless of whether or not they are ESL students.” All four of these paraprofessionals are very knowledgeable in many areas, and they are always willing to help anyone around the school on a daily basis.
As is the case in every profession, retirement, like a Nevada lightning, thunder, and rain storm, approaches slowly, and then suddenly flashes its brilliant streaks of electricity and sound across the sky in the form of smiles and echoes, culminating in a downpour of tears and excitement; then, all is quiet. Several CHS teachers are retiring this year, and there is no way to put into words how difficult it is to say goodbye to each and every one of them as they have touched the lives of so many. Though quoted often, this anonymous Irish blessing is always able to put into words what everyone is feeling as they see their friends turn and walk away: “May the road rise up to meet you / May the wind be always at your back / May the sun shine warm upon your face / And rains fall soft upon your fields / And until we meet again / May God hold you in the palm of His hand.” The administrators, staff, and students of CHS, with sighs of happy sadness, will miss the following individuals who have so impacted their lives over the years: Honors American Literature, English IV, and Publications teacher and adviser Patt Quinn-Davis 1999 to 2020, Honors Spanish I - IV teacher Marisa Morrow 2005 to 2020, Blue Thunder Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Music Appreciation, and Cadet Band teacher William Zabelski 2013 to 2020, Art Foundation, Drawing, and Painting teacher Mike Malley 2006 to 2020, Counselor, Cindy Reyes 1999 to 2020, and custodian Randall George 2000 to 2020. CHS would normally be celebrating these retirees with an end-of-the-year banquet, but everyone knows why the event will not be held at CHS this year but will instead take place through a Zoom meeting June 3 at 1 p.m.
CHS’ graduation ceremony plan is unlike any other for the Class of 2020, so put on a seatbelt and hold on for a first ever drive-through ceremony June 6. With varying times throughout the day, graduating seniors and their families will stay in their single vehicles until it is time for the graduate to exit the car. They will then have their names announced on the loudspeaker as they walk across a stage located on the northwest lawn near the blue and white concrete CHS sign. Next, each student will then collect a diploma, have a photo taken, return to a vehicle, and then proceed to the exit. Also to be noted is seniors will be able to drop off Chromebooks and cords, library books, textbooks, and other class materials June 1. Seniors will also pick up a yearbook, if purchased, Senior Awards, cap and gown, prom gift, cords, PE locker materials, hall locker materials, and varsity letters that same day.
Though the Safe Grad trip to Magic Mountain is cancelled, they are still sponsoring the Downtown Street Banner event, and seniors should submit their photos. There is information on the Carson High website on where to send CHS Class of 2020 headshots in high resolution, and Information may also be found on the CHS Class of 2020 Parents on Facebook page. Look for a photo of the CHS emblem at school. There are two groups: One for anyone, and one for CHS Class of 2020 Senior Parents. There will be four pictures of the CHS Class of 2020 Seniors on each banner, two per side, and the cost is $28 each. Carson High Safe Grad has agreed to sponsor the project, but donations are needed and may be sent to Carson High Safe Grad Booster, PO Box 486, Carson City, NV 89702. To make a tax deductible donation online, go to carsonhighsafegrad@gmail.com, click the ‘Donate’ tab, and please reference “Downtown Banners” on your donation.” Approximately $13,000 needs to be raised in order to offer it to all graduating seniors. Please contact CHS Safe Grad Secretary Wendy Yang at 720-6160, or President Kyra Hinton at 434-760-0635. Safe Grad will have its final meeting next week to discuss Safe Grad night.
The 2020 Carneta is here, so please do not miss out on this unforgettable record of the most unforgettable senior year in history. CHS adviser Patt Quinn-Davis and CHS Administrators are working out details on the best way to get yearbooks delivered to students, but ordering one online is simple. Quinn-Davis, and co-adviser Alyssa Smith-Ackerley, made a very quick how-to video for ordering. Please go to youtube.com/watch?v=TkeN1ImGaGU&feature=youtu.be. Want to skip the video, no problem. Go straight to yearbookforever.com/.
Many may as yet be unaware, but the Carneta staff of CHS is also in charge of publishing a news magazine with CHS Language Arts teachers Cynthia Mills and Alyssa Smith-Akerley. According to Smith-Akerley, “Given the state of the world and an actual global pandemic, we were unable to publish our news magazine this year, so our editors decided it would be a great time to bring CHS Publications into the 21st Century, and they created a blog: The Current Carneta. The hope is we will be updating the site weekly for the remainder of the school year as well as next year.” “Please check out some of the crazy and super talented writers we have on staff, all students at CHS, by going to sites.google.com/carson.k12.nv.us/carneta/home” Smith-Akerly added. And to everyone interested, as the school year is coming to a close, the Carneta staff is pushing hard to try and sell the CHS 2020 Carneta. The yearbook, at a cost between $85,000 and $90,000 is a completely self-sustaining program, and many do not realize CHS does not receive any funding from the District to print the Carneta. It is only through advertising and book sales from individuals, parents and students, the staff is able to continue printing. This year, editor Allison Gill really stepped up and created several spreads dedicated solely to local pandemic coverage. This book is truly something special, and every student should have a copy. Please go to yearbookforever.com and order one. Smith-Akerley said, “Our yearbook staff is full of some of the most hardworking students I have ever met, and if you know any of them, please give them a shout-out of congratulations.”
WNC is offering a summer course “American Sign Language Special Topics Course: Bridging the gap between Hearing and Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Mainstream Classroom”. Students will learn how to work with a sign language interpreter, learn how to work with a deaf or hard of hearing student in the mainstream classroom, learn everyday phrases to help with communication between teacher and DHH student, and learn about deaf history, culture, and things to be aware of in order to be compliant with the American Disabilities Act in the mainstream classroom. The online three unit class, #52589, will run from June 8 through Aug. 1. For more information, please contact Margaret Craig at mcraig@carson.k12.nv.us.
English as a Second Language Para-Professional Maria Navarette nominated Yahir Ledezma Aguayo, a freshman, as the CHS Student of the Week. Navarette said, “Yahir has been reaching out when we moved to remote learning to be on task for each of his classes, and he has been showing dedication, responsibility, and putting forth great effort to accomplish all assignments and quizzes.” She added, “He has been adapting to this new change due to COVID-19, and, despite this, he is learning how to cope with online learning, and I am so proud of him for staying on task and keeping up.” Congratulations to Yahir Ledezma Aguayo, making an ongoing positive impression on his teachers throughout the school year.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.