#To start the second quarter of school, the Carson City School District is pleased to offer full, in-person, on-campus instruction for students pre-k to second grade Tuesdays through Fridays. These students will no longer function within a cohort group. The first official day of this more traditional education model will begin Tuesday, Oct. 20.
#For all students (at all grade levels) throughout the Carson City School District, Mondays will remain remote learning days. Students, both full-remote and in-seat, will check in with their homeroom teachers electronically and work independently throughout the school day.
#Students in third through fifth grades will remain in their assigned cohort groups and continue to receive instruction via the hybrid-blended learning model. Although discussions and considerations for all primary grades to return to a more traditional education model continue, no dates have been forecasted for a full return.
#Any students and families who have elected full-remote instruction can choose to remain in the remote learning instruction model. The wearing of facial masks and maintaining social distancing between students is still expected.
#Additional adjustments include the availability of playgrounds and playground equipment at elementary schools for use to students. Individual schools have the authority to establish protocols for recess times and equipment usage that will complement individual school schedules, operational and safety practices, staffing and social distancing restrictions.
#“We feel confident in bringing more elementary students back to school safely and in compliance with government directives,” said Richard Stokes, superintendent for the Carson City School District. “I realize that these modifications represent a shift from how we began the school year; however, it is our desire and duty to find the methods and systems that will best address the academic needs of our students and families while living within the pandemic. As governmental directions and social conditions change, our educational operations will also reflect these changes. We will continue to use the guidance and best practices suggested by national and state leaders in an effort to keep our students and staff safe.”
#Other school district operational modifications include Pioneer High School opening their campus to all students immediately for additional academic support Tuesday through Friday. Interested students regardless of cohort group may be admitted to campus to attend specific classes, receive additional tutoring and/or social and emotional support.
#Middle schools in the Carson City School District also have begun discussing and making plans to accommodate the safe return of sixth grade students to full, in-person, on-campus instruction in the near future. At this time, no date has been set to make this change. However, the intent is to plan for sixth grade students to no longer participate in the assigned cohort groups, but to attend school remotely on Mondays and in-person Tuesdays through Fridays. As soon as student schedules can be adjusted, appropriate staffing secured and details refined, a date for implementation will be announced.
#Carson High School is also examining and discussing potential modifications in preparation for the expansion of instructional opportunities for the second semester, beginning Monday, Jan. 18, 2021.
-->To start the second quarter of school, the Carson City School District is pleased to offer full, in-person, on-campus instruction for students pre-k to second grade Tuesdays through Fridays. These students will no longer function within a cohort group. The first official day of this more traditional education model will begin Tuesday, Oct. 20.
For all students (at all grade levels) throughout the Carson City School District, Mondays will remain remote learning days. Students, both full-remote and in-seat, will check in with their homeroom teachers electronically and work independently throughout the school day.
Students in third through fifth grades will remain in their assigned cohort groups and continue to receive instruction via the hybrid-blended learning model. Although discussions and considerations for all primary grades to return to a more traditional education model continue, no dates have been forecasted for a full return.
Any students and families who have elected full-remote instruction can choose to remain in the remote learning instruction model. The wearing of facial masks and maintaining social distancing between students is still expected.
Additional adjustments include the availability of playgrounds and playground equipment at elementary schools for use to students. Individual schools have the authority to establish protocols for recess times and equipment usage that will complement individual school schedules, operational and safety practices, staffing and social distancing restrictions.
“We feel confident in bringing more elementary students back to school safely and in compliance with government directives,” said Richard Stokes, superintendent for the Carson City School District. “I realize that these modifications represent a shift from how we began the school year; however, it is our desire and duty to find the methods and systems that will best address the academic needs of our students and families while living within the pandemic. As governmental directions and social conditions change, our educational operations will also reflect these changes. We will continue to use the guidance and best practices suggested by national and state leaders in an effort to keep our students and staff safe.”
Other school district operational modifications include Pioneer High School opening their campus to all students immediately for additional academic support Tuesday through Friday. Interested students regardless of cohort group may be admitted to campus to attend specific classes, receive additional tutoring and/or social and emotional support.
Middle schools in the Carson City School District also have begun discussing and making plans to accommodate the safe return of sixth grade students to full, in-person, on-campus instruction in the near future. At this time, no date has been set to make this change. However, the intent is to plan for sixth grade students to no longer participate in the assigned cohort groups, but to attend school remotely on Mondays and in-person Tuesdays through Fridays. As soon as student schedules can be adjusted, appropriate staffing secured and details refined, a date for implementation will be announced.
Carson High School is also examining and discussing potential modifications in preparation for the expansion of instructional opportunities for the second semester, beginning Monday, Jan. 18, 2021.