#University of Nevada, Reno President Brian Sandoval sent a university-wide message to students, faculty and staff Friday announcing additional coronavirus mitigation efforts concerning fall break and spring break.
#“COVID-19 remains a significant challenge, not only for our institution but for our community, the state of Nevada and our country,” Sandoval said. “I write today to share our plan forward, which is essential in order to safeguard the health of everyone associated with our University.”
#The university is carefully and regularly monitoring health conditions at the university, in Nevada and across the country. After consultation with the Washoe County Health District and with its full support, the university must continue to adapt to changing conditions. In the past few weeks, 1 in 9 active positive cases in Washoe County was associated with the university community, and the 18 to 24 age range continues to be the highest range of new cases. Washoe County is one of only two counties flagged for elevated disease transmission in Nevada. As of Oct. 5, the COVID-19 case rate per 100,000 during the last 30 days in Washoe County is highest in the state.
#“Clearly, we must continue to find ways to lessen these rates in the best interests of our University family and the broader community,” Sandoval said.
#Today, the University announced the following measures:
#“I believe the adjustments to increase COVID-19 health and safety are a good path forward to decrease COVID-19 transmission at the University,” Washoe County District Health Officer Kevin Dick said. “I fully support the measures and applaud President Sandoval for taking seriously the health and safety of students, faculty, other employees and our greater community.”
#In a letter to students Sept. 14, the university's Executive Vice President and Provost Kevin Carman stated that the campus will continue to offer courses through the modalities that the university currently is using for the fall semester through the end of spring 2021 semester. Specifically, courses with enrollment capacities of 35 or greater will be taught online, while courses with enrollments capacities of 34 or less predominantly will be taught using the alternative-HyFlex modality.
#Along with Sandoval, the university’s Issues Management Team continues to consider contingencies.
#“We are fortunate to have a group of extremely dedicated people who have been working around the clock to respond to the challenges posed by COVID-19,” Sandoval said. “We now have a looming cold and flu season and holiday travel in which many of our students could be potentially traveling back and forth between campus and their family’s homes. These are all variables that have the potential to cause further spread of the virus. We must continue to find ways to mitigate these risks so that you, our students, faculty and staff, can remain healthy.”
#Sandoval said that these measures are designed to reduce the community’s risk of exposure to COVID-19 by limiting holiday travel and further reducing the campus’ density over the final days of this semester.
#“Losing spring break will be a disappointment to many,” Sandoval said. “But an uninterrupted spring semester, coming on the heels of our adjusted end to the fall semester, gives us our best chance to ‘Protect the Pack.’ ”
#Earlier this week, the university announced its new “Protect the Pack – COVID-19” dashboard that will help its community review and contextualize important information such as testing data, active cases and positivity rates. The dashboard numbers are updated on a weekly basis.
#Sandoval also encourages the university community to help “trace” its own activity relative to the health of others and recommends everyone to download the state of Nevada’s helpful app “COVID Trace.” This mobile app exchanges information via Bluetooth and is completely anonymous and protects the community’s privacy. Once installed, the app will alert users if they have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and will explain next steps to deal with this information. Download the free app to get started.
-->University of Nevada, Reno President Brian Sandoval sent a university-wide message to students, faculty and staff Friday announcing additional coronavirus mitigation efforts concerning fall break and spring break.
“COVID-19 remains a significant challenge, not only for our institution but for our community, the state of Nevada and our country,” Sandoval said. “I write today to share our plan forward, which is essential in order to safeguard the health of everyone associated with our University.”
The university is carefully and regularly monitoring health conditions at the university, in Nevada and across the country. After consultation with the Washoe County Health District and with its full support, the university must continue to adapt to changing conditions. In the past few weeks, 1 in 9 active positive cases in Washoe County was associated with the university community, and the 18 to 24 age range continues to be the highest range of new cases. Washoe County is one of only two counties flagged for elevated disease transmission in Nevada. As of Oct. 5, the COVID-19 case rate per 100,000 during the last 30 days in Washoe County is highest in the state.
“Clearly, we must continue to find ways to lessen these rates in the best interests of our University family and the broader community,” Sandoval said.
Today, the University announced the following measures:
“I believe the adjustments to increase COVID-19 health and safety are a good path forward to decrease COVID-19 transmission at the University,” Washoe County District Health Officer Kevin Dick said. “I fully support the measures and applaud President Sandoval for taking seriously the health and safety of students, faculty, other employees and our greater community.”
In a letter to students Sept. 14, the university's Executive Vice President and Provost Kevin Carman stated that the campus will continue to offer courses through the modalities that the university currently is using for the fall semester through the end of spring 2021 semester. Specifically, courses with enrollment capacities of 35 or greater will be taught online, while courses with enrollments capacities of 34 or less predominantly will be taught using the alternative-HyFlex modality.
Along with Sandoval, the university’s Issues Management Team continues to consider contingencies.
“We are fortunate to have a group of extremely dedicated people who have been working around the clock to respond to the challenges posed by COVID-19,” Sandoval said. “We now have a looming cold and flu season and holiday travel in which many of our students could be potentially traveling back and forth between campus and their family’s homes. These are all variables that have the potential to cause further spread of the virus. We must continue to find ways to mitigate these risks so that you, our students, faculty and staff, can remain healthy.”
Sandoval said that these measures are designed to reduce the community’s risk of exposure to COVID-19 by limiting holiday travel and further reducing the campus’ density over the final days of this semester.
“Losing spring break will be a disappointment to many,” Sandoval said. “But an uninterrupted spring semester, coming on the heels of our adjusted end to the fall semester, gives us our best chance to ‘Protect the Pack.’ ”
Earlier this week, the university announced its new “Protect the Pack – COVID-19” dashboard that will help its community review and contextualize important information such as testing data, active cases and positivity rates. The dashboard numbers are updated on a weekly basis.
Sandoval also encourages the university community to help “trace” its own activity relative to the health of others and recommends everyone to download the state of Nevada’s helpful app “COVID Trace.” This mobile app exchanges information via Bluetooth and is completely anonymous and protects the community’s privacy. Once installed, the app will alert users if they have come into contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and will explain next steps to deal with this information. Download the free app to get started.