#140 years ago
#The wood now being burned in front of halls where public meetings are held would keep scores of poor children from shivering during the coming winter, and dispensed in that way would make more votes.
#130 years ago
#George W. Lewis and August Richards escaped from the Nevada State Penitentiary Monday night, it is supposed between the hours of 10 p.m. and midnight. Lewis has been the boss of the blacksmith shop, and through this secured tools to free himself. They were kind enough to leave a bag of tools, but not their address.
#100 years ago
#Art Schwartz, mail carrier, this morning had the misfortune to be thrown from the mail cart and sustain a fracture of his collar bone. The accident was caused by the horse shying and giving the cart a quick turn.
#80 years ago
#Officers of the Carson City 20-30 Club have announced that Ross Gold will be the group’s donkey rider in the race between local service clubs on admission day.
#60 years ago
#Reno millionaire LaVere Redfield was found guilty of six counts of evading $333,800 in income taxes on his and his wife’s joint returns for 1953, 54 and 55 by a federal court jury of eight women and four men in Reno today. Federal judge John R. Ross revoked the 62-year-old financier’s bail and remanded him to the custody of the U.S. Marshal.
#40 years ago
#Carson City residents are opposed to the Question 6 constitutional amendment by more that 3 to 1, according to a city-wide poll last week. Question 6, which was approved once by the voters in 1978, would scrap legislative tax reform efforts in favor of a constitutional amendment o set limits on assessment increases and levels of property taxation.
#140 years ago
#The State was flooded yesterday with cartoons circulated by the Democrats to beat Mr. Sharon’s Legislative ticket. The cartoon is printed on a sheet of tinted paper about two feet square and gotten up in excellent style fully equal in workmanship and artistic design. The first picture represents a miner’s shanty with “to let” on the door. A starving dog sits in the background.
#130 years ago
#Chinatown Fire. Yesterday morning between three and four o’clock a fire broke out near the center of Chinatown and in a few moments the adjoining property was in a mass of flames with men wild in a frenzy ran here and there, chattering all the while.
#100 years ago
#Don’t borrow your neighbor’s Appeal. Subscribe and read your own.
#80 years ago
#Arrangements were completed today between the Carson district of the Mono National Forest and private land owners within the forest boundaries to patrol the district against Christmas tree poaching.
#60 years ago
#“Trick or treat,” the traditional Halloween favorite for small fry, will be two-phased this year. Tonight, boys and girls representing all churches in Carson City will solicit residents between 7-8 for the United Nations children’s fund. Since Oct. 30 is the traditional night for Halloween sporks to roam, most children will be out asking for goodies at local homes.
#40 years ago
#The planting of a bomb which exploded Aug. 27 in Harvey’s hotel-casino may have been rehearsed at least two times prior to the actual placement of the device, an FBI agent said today.
#140 years ago
#Don’t be over-confident of Tuesday’s election. Stop talking, everybody, and work like beavers.
#130 years ago
#Look Out. Tonight at 12 spooks will sneak out about and yank the front gates into the middle of next week. Small boys of various nationalities will cooperate with them, and the property owners will do well to chain down their effects.
#100 years ago
#The Republican rally of last evening proved to be an old-fashioned Halloween party. In the first place the chairman, in his conclusion, stated that Mr. Oddie would take of “that old bugaboo, the tariff,” and he certainly made it a bugaboo in every issue.
#80 years ago
#W.T. (“Doc”) McLane, who came to Carson City more than 20 years ago, and who followed the trade of watch repairer until the past few years, was dead on the floor of the Oscar Phipps canine, where he had been making his home since leaving the country hospital some time ago. For many years McLane was connected with the Friend jewelry store.
#60 years ago
#A typical Nevada Day weekend — clear and crisp weather — is Hank Monk’s prediction for this area. “Might be a little cloudy weather with some few sprinkles tomorrow,” he added.
#40 years ago
#A 32-year-old Vietnam veteran has been arrested in Mt. View., Ca., on a warrant from Douglas County charging him with extortion in a plot to get $10 million by threatening to poison water at a stateline casino.
#Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.
140 years ago
The wood now being burned in front of halls where public meetings are held would keep scores of poor children from shivering during the coming winter, and dispensed in that way would make more votes.
130 years ago
George W. Lewis and August Richards escaped from the Nevada State Penitentiary Monday night, it is supposed between the hours of 10 p.m. and midnight. Lewis has been the boss of the blacksmith shop, and through this secured tools to free himself. They were kind enough to leave a bag of tools, but not their address.
100 years ago
Art Schwartz, mail carrier, this morning had the misfortune to be thrown from the mail cart and sustain a fracture of his collar bone. The accident was caused by the horse shying and giving the cart a quick turn.
80 years ago
Officers of the Carson City 20-30 Club have announced that Ross Gold will be the group’s donkey rider in the race between local service clubs on admission day.
60 years ago
Reno millionaire LaVere Redfield was found guilty of six counts of evading $333,800 in income taxes on his and his wife’s joint returns for 1953, 54 and 55 by a federal court jury of eight women and four men in Reno today. Federal judge John R. Ross revoked the 62-year-old financier’s bail and remanded him to the custody of the U.S. Marshal.
40 years ago
Carson City residents are opposed to the Question 6 constitutional amendment by more that 3 to 1, according to a city-wide poll last week. Question 6, which was approved once by the voters in 1978, would scrap legislative tax reform efforts in favor of a constitutional amendment o set limits on assessment increases and levels of property taxation.
140 years ago
The State was flooded yesterday with cartoons circulated by the Democrats to beat Mr. Sharon’s Legislative ticket. The cartoon is printed on a sheet of tinted paper about two feet square and gotten up in excellent style fully equal in workmanship and artistic design. The first picture represents a miner’s shanty with “to let” on the door. A starving dog sits in the background.
130 years ago
Chinatown Fire. Yesterday morning between three and four o’clock a fire broke out near the center of Chinatown and in a few moments the adjoining property was in a mass of flames with men wild in a frenzy ran here and there, chattering all the while.
100 years ago
Don’t borrow your neighbor’s Appeal. Subscribe and read your own.
80 years ago
Arrangements were completed today between the Carson district of the Mono National Forest and private land owners within the forest boundaries to patrol the district against Christmas tree poaching.
60 years ago
“Trick or treat,” the traditional Halloween favorite for small fry, will be two-phased this year. Tonight, boys and girls representing all churches in Carson City will solicit residents between 7-8 for the United Nations children’s fund. Since Oct. 30 is the traditional night for Halloween sporks to roam, most children will be out asking for goodies at local homes.
40 years ago
The planting of a bomb which exploded Aug. 27 in Harvey’s hotel-casino may have been rehearsed at least two times prior to the actual placement of the device, an FBI agent said today.
140 years ago
Don’t be over-confident of Tuesday’s election. Stop talking, everybody, and work like beavers.
130 years ago
Look Out. Tonight at 12 spooks will sneak out about and yank the front gates into the middle of next week. Small boys of various nationalities will cooperate with them, and the property owners will do well to chain down their effects.
100 years ago
The Republican rally of last evening proved to be an old-fashioned Halloween party. In the first place the chairman, in his conclusion, stated that Mr. Oddie would take of “that old bugaboo, the tariff,” and he certainly made it a bugaboo in every issue.
80 years ago
W.T. (“Doc”) McLane, who came to Carson City more than 20 years ago, and who followed the trade of watch repairer until the past few years, was dead on the floor of the Oscar Phipps canine, where he had been making his home since leaving the country hospital some time ago. For many years McLane was connected with the Friend jewelry store.
60 years ago
A typical Nevada Day weekend — clear and crisp weather — is Hank Monk’s prediction for this area. “Might be a little cloudy weather with some few sprinkles tomorrow,” he added.
40 years ago
A 32-year-old Vietnam veteran has been arrested in Mt. View., Ca., on a warrant from Douglas County charging him with extortion in a plot to get $10 million by threatening to poison water at a stateline casino.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.