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On July 27, 2021, Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“SPPC”) filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (“Commission”) a petition to reopen Docket No. 20-06004 and obtain authorization to resume cost recovery of the entire amount of the One Nevada Transmission Line (“ON Line”) revenue requirement through rates effective January 1, 2022. 

This notice serves only to notify the public that the Commission has received the above-referenced filing. It is the responsibility of interested persons to review the filing and monitor the proceedings to determine their desired levels of involvement based on how this matter may affect their unique situations. The details provided within this notice are for informational purposes only and are not meant to be an all-inclusive overview of the filing. The Commission may consider and adopt alternative proposals not contained within the filing but which are related to the subject matter of the filing and supported by substantial evidence. 

SPPC filed the petition pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) and the Nevada Administrative Code (“NAC”), Chapters 703 and 704, including, but not limited to, NAC 703.540. 

In its petition, SPPC seeks to reopen Docket No. 20-06004 and obtain authorization to recover the entirety of costs associated with the reallocated portion of the ON Line revenue requirement starting on January 1, 2022. SPPC provides that in the Commission’s December 23, 2020, Order in Docket No. 20-06004, the Commission deferred the inclusion of the reallocated costs into rates on the basis of COVID impacts. SPPC states that the deferral is no longer needed because there are fewer uncertainties associated with COVID-19, and key indicators demonstrate current levels of economic activity are on par with pre-COVID levels. Therefore, SPPC requests that the reallocated portion of ON Line be put back into rates effective January 1, 2022. 

SPPC further requests that the ON Line costs recovered through rates in 2022 include (1) the amount of the ON Line regulatory asset as of December 31, 2021, which is projected to equal $18.3 million, and (2) the ongoing revenue requirement associated with the reallocated portion of the ON Line costs. SPPC provides that without the cost recovery starting in 2022, the ON Line regulatory asset balance is projected to increase to $28.4 million by the end of 2022 – an over $10 million increase including an estimated additional $1.6 million in carrying charges, which could be avoided by starting rate recovery on January 1, 2022. SPPC states that by starting its proposed one-year amortization in 2022, customers would save an estimated $4.46 million compared to the next rate cycle recovery. 

Any interested and affected person who is not already a party to Docket No. 20-06004 may file a petition for leave to intervene in this matter pursuant to NAC 703.578 through 703.600 on or before WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021. 

Also on or before WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2021, all interested and affected persons, including existing parties to Docket No. 20- 06004, may file comments addressing SPPC’s procedural request to reopen Docket No. 20-06004. 

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to NAC 703.655, the Commission has scheduled a PREHEARING CONFERENCE in this docket to be held as follows: 


1:30 p.m. 

Dial in by your location: 

(775) 687-0999 (Northern Nevada) 

(702) 486-5260 (Southern Nevada) 

The parties will appear and otherwise participate in the prehearing conference via telephone. Members of the public can access the prehearing conference at the time noticed herein via the Commission’s live stream link on its website at 

Parties in this matter must obtain an access code for this telephonic prehearing conference by emailing Commission Administrative Attorney Jared Aranda at no later than FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. 

The purpose of the prehearing conference is to formulate and simplify issues involved in this proceeding and to discuss a procedural schedule. At the prehearing conference, the Commission may take any action authorized by NAC 703.655. 

The Commission is not responsible for providing clerical or administrative assistance or materials to parties during Commission proceedings. If such assistance is necessary, parties must make other arrangements for this type of assistance. 

SPPC’s petition is available for public viewing at the Commission’s website:; and at the offices of the Commission: 1150 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 and 9075 West Diablo Drive, Suite 250, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148. 

By the Commission, 


Assistant Commission Secretary 

Dated: Carson City, Nevada 



Pub: August 18, 2021 Ad#16001


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