Carson City legal - 16481

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned is the duly appointed and qualified Successor Trustee of the trust of Clinton W. Bryan and Jeannine Marie Madson-Bryan TRUST dated September 11, 1996 and that the surviving Settlor and Co-Trustee of that Trust, Jeannine Marie Madson-Bryan died on July 16, 2021. 

A creditor having a claim against the trust must file their claim with the undersigned at the address given below within 90 days after the first publication of this notice. 

DATED: This 26th day of August, 2021.

Barry Madson 

101 Lindbergh Ct. 

Dayton, NV 89403

Pub: August 28, 

September 4, 11, 2021. Ad#16481