CHS enjoys a surprise personal Merry Christmas and Happy New Year message from Hollywood actor Jack Black Dec. 15 on the Senators Now Digital Media's morning announcements.
CHS has had some amazing visitors over the years for sure, but those visitors could be seen coming from miles away due to advanced announcements, communication, emails, chairs being set up, and the high school in a flurry. But no one said a word about Hollywood actor Jack Black appearing on the CHS morning announcements. I have never seen a class of seniors erupt in such unbridled awe and excitement, every single student looking at me and each other as though Jack Black walked right into the classroom.
Black then began to sing, “Good tidings we bring for you and your kin, good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year…Merry Christmas.”
Talk about an unexpected gift at an unexpected time. How is it possible this gift was made to happen? Well, it is kind of like asking how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop. Interestingly, a group of engineering students from Purdue University reported that its licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Well, there you have it, an answer to the timeless question of the Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop. However, how Jack Black ended up on the CHS morning announcements, we may never know. It sure was cool though. See it for yourself by going to
Comprehensive Life Skills teachers at CHS delivered gifts to all of their students, personally. Dec. 13, CLS classes held a Secret Santa gift exchange with their students. The only problem, students were to find out who their Secret Santa was on Dec. 17, but school was cancelled, and their CHS teachers decided to meet together Dec. 17, personal time, personal expense, and personally drive their vehicles to each CLS student’s home, and deliver their Secret Santa gift. Hey, this was personal, and they take the seriousness of celebrating Christmas, well, personally. For more information about this event and the amazing teachers who made it happen, please contact one of the following Special Education CLS teachers either by email or calling their classrooms: or 287-1703, or 283-1671, or or 283-1699.
CHS students, truly, like never before, took advantage of Spirit Week’s opportunities of dressing up in hats, socks, pajamas, and ugly sweaters because the event should have been called Spirit Weeks as it went from Dec. 7 through Dec. 16. Though Christmas is not here yet, it might as well have been. The Spirit Week events, from Dec. 7 was Christmas Hat Day, Dec. 8 was Christmas Socks Day, Dec. 9 was Holiday PJ’s and Hot Cocoa Day, and Dec. 10 was Ugly Sweater Day, and, well, it just kept on going and going. Students and their administrators and teachers could be seen every day wearing hats, socks, pajamas, ugly sweaters and, in many cases, all of the above. Spirit Week was truly a week everyone will remember.
The Carson City Schools Foundation gave away eight $200 scholarships and one $2,000 scholarship to Carson City School District teachers last week. CHS Ceramics teacher Alisa Kuniya received a $200 scholarship for Backdrop and lighting for AP portfolios, and CHS’ Comprehensive Life Skills teachers received a $2000 scholarship to purchase appliances for the life skills program. According to Valerie N. Dockery, Director of Grants and Special Projects for Carson City School District, “As of 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Dec. 12, all federal relief funds set aside for Nevada Teachers, via Donors Choose, have been spent on eligible projects, and, for Carson City Schools, 183 projects were fully funded totaling $160,000, so congratulations to Carson City’s teachers.” Donors Choose is still available as a tool to raise funds for teachers’ projects, so “Keep an eye out for the launch of a CCSD page on Donors Choose, coming after the break” Dockery added.
Carson High School parents, students, and others may purchase a section of the yearbook and use personal photos to capture and immortalize an unforgettable memory of time spent in the Carson City School District and beyond. Have a look at the possibilities by going to Note to CHS Seniors who want to submit a baby photo, it needs to be completed by Jan. 7, so go to grade level Google Classroom, and submit photo under baby picture assignment. Parents and seniors wanting a Buddy Ad must purchase and complete submissions of photos and information by Feb. 28. Also, Carson City business owners may purchase an advertisement section in the yearbook, multiple sizes available, to help immortalize the name of their business, the name of a student or students, and to also support the CHS program. It is so easy too; business owners simply need to go to, search for Carson High School, select shop, and select business ad. They may then upload a predesigned ad, or they may design their own ad online. They may purchase a full page, ½-page, or ¼-page section. Please, businesses of Carson City, factor this type of advertising into a budget to support the physical publication of the CHS Senators’ yearbook and show the community how important it is to support students as they are the employees of the future. For more information about the CHS yearbook, email CHS teacher and yearbook adviser Cynthia Mills at
So many CHS students and staff have lost love ones in the last several years. Losing a loved one is always difficult, and, for many, the holidays cause their grief to be especially hard. CHS would like to support its students and staff, those who would like to participate, by offering an opportunity to make a memory ornament in honor of those they have lost. The ornament creators are hoping students, teachers, and parents will also help them to identify students who maybe would benefit from this opportunity. This is also posted in their class’ Google Classroom, so they may fill out a form and then will receive a pass. The purpose of the ornament is to honor their loss and to focus on happy memories. This will provide everyone with a physical reminder of the joy that person(s) brought to life. Ornament making will take about 20 minutes and will be done in small groups of five to six. Like to participate, please complete the attached google form. Parents who want to refer their student may email Dori ~ Contributed by CHS Counselor Bridget Gordon-Johnson.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Area Director, along with Lift Christmas Trees, Tim Plummer still has Christmas Trees available for purchase, but time is running out. What better way to enjoy Christmas than with a fresh cut tree from Oregon? So get on up and shoot on down to the Lift Christmas Tree lot across from the Ormsby House in downtown Carson City, the corner of Carson Street and 6th Street Trees are available Sunday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and this will last through Dec. 23. Tree varieties available are the Noble, Nordmann, Douglas, Fraser, Organic, and Silver Tip.
The Nevada Sons of the American Revolution Scholarship deadline is approaching. This essay-based scholarship is awarded to a Nevada student who completes an 800 to 1,200-word essay about any subject relating to the American Revolution. Look back through those AP and Honors US History essays, ya'll. The scholarship deadline is Dec. 31. Go to for more information.
At Chico High School, Dec. 18, is a CHS Boys Varsity Basketball tournament. There is also a Varsity and JV wrestling Lovelock tournament at Pershing High School, times yet to be announced. Moreover, there will be CHS Girls JV and both Freshman Girls and Boys Basketball games at Reno High School at 11 a.m., 12:15, and 1:30. Dec. 22 offers both freshman and junior varsity games at 4 and 5:30 against South Tahoe High School at CHS.
Congratulations to CHS Freshman, Damien Fred on being nominated Student of the Week. According to his CHS Freshman Seminar teacher Angela Maw, “A fellow student in his class pulled something off of the wall and made no attempt to fix it, but Damien immediately got up and tried to repair what his classmate chose not to.” Maw also said about Damien, “I really appreciated this and was impressed by his selflessness.” Employees within Carson City School District nominate the CHS Student of the Week, and it is often the teachers who do the nominating, though anyone in the district may do so by sending an email to Congratulations to Damien Fred on being nominated CHS Student of the Week.
When Vincent Dao was told he was going to be the next Senior in the Spotlight, he gasped. “Me?” Are you sure?” To say he is humble is an understatement. Dao currently has a 3.9 weighted GPA; he has taken eight honors and three Advance Placement courses. His senior schedule includes another AP class and three more honors classes. When this was pointed out to him, he said, “I guess I should be proud of how far I have come.” In college, Vincent wants to study marine biology and focus on saving keystone species. This passion was ignited when he saw a whale breech when he was four or five-years-old. “Curiosity of man is what drives education,” he explained. He also wants to know more, and educate others, about pollution and climate change. “We cannot ignore the fact that we are creating these problems,” he said. “We cannot turn back, but we can start here and go forward.” Making the world a better place is another passion of Vincent’s. He will become an Eagle Scout by late February, an honor only four percent of scout members achieve. His project has been a Clothing and Comfort Drive for people in need of warm clothing and blankets. This project has been another learning opportunity, much like taking on the role of leader of the Gamers Club, participating in the American Sign Language Club, and participating on the swimming and wrestling teams. “My parents think education is important” he said. “Personally, I think education leads to a better world.” ~ Contributed by CHS Counselor Michele Quintero.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.