Past Pages for December 18 to 21, 2021

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

Carson City looking north from the top of the Capitol building in 1871.

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145 years ago
The Last of His Race. — We are greatly pained to announce the death of “Bob,” Miles Wing’s well-known setter. He expired yesterday after two or three days of suffering, brought on, Miles thinks, by his swallowing of a bone. There are relatives of “Bob” still living; but he was one of the last of a race of noble dogs.
140 years ago
About half past 1 o’clock this morning in Austin, a party of masked men forcibly entered the jailer’s room in the Court House building, overpowered him and forced him to give up the keys to the jail and of the cell containing Richard Jennings, the murderer of Barrett. Jennings was taken out and hanged from the balcony over the front door. Barrett was one of our oldest and most respected citizens.
120 years ago
With two telephone lines and three different railroads into Tonopah the place ought to become a Denver inside of fifteen months.
80 years ago
Several hundred residents of Carson City and vicinity, including Stewart, Dayton, and Silver City, crowded the civic auditorium last evening to hear reports on civil defense activities for this part of the state. First on the practically “extemporaneous” program was “God Bless America,” played by the Carson City Band.
60 years ago
Wind gusts of more than 65 mph toppled trees, trailers and signboards and broke several windows in Carson City over the weekend. The strong winds turned over a 50 foot trailer house south of town. Damage to the 1957 trailer is estimated at more than $700.
20 years ago
Larry Halloway had doubts about leaving his position at Eagle Valley Middle School to take over as band director at Carson High School this year, but he doesn’t anymore. “I just love it here,” he said.


145 years ago

An Earthquake. — From W.M. Cary of Sheridan, we learn that that place was visited by an earthquake of great violence on the evening one week ago. Mr. Cary says that the house he lives in was rocked too and fro, and that the shock, which lasted several seconds, was the strongest he ever felt in the state.

140 years ago

J.M. Fleming, Washoe County’s Assessor, has skipped the country. “Tracers” are out after the delinquent.

120 years ago

On Christmas evening there will be a masque ball at Empire. Everything has been arranged for a big time and the public is invited. Masks can be had at the door.

80 years ago

A wire-haired terrier, name and real owner unknown, was given a “hand” by the amused crowd at the defense meeting this week when the animal unconcernedly appeared on stage and made a survey of the proceedings. Later, during a lull of a few moments of the program, the dog caused persons in the audience to smile and laugh by sitting on the center and front of the stage and scratching its neck. The dog is called “Scruffy” by the members of the family which the animal has attached itself.

60 years ago

Hank Monk, Carson City’s veteran stagecoach driver, staggered by this morning on his way to the barn. Before he left he said that this year he intended to fulfill his last 1961 New Year’s resolution — to visit each and every office Christmas party.

20 years ago

Carson City officials hope a $1.3 million retrofit of five city buildings will save the city more than $150,000 a year in utility costs. The city expects $2 million total savings after 12 years.


145 years ago

We learn from Parson Kelly that there have been eight new admissions to the Orphans Home this week. Four were admitted from Lyon county and four from Washoe. Three applications from Storey county were declined on the ground of their not coming in within regulations.

140 years ago

H.M. Yerington was taken very sick along the line of the Carson & Colorado railroad, and was brought home on a special train, arriving here at 4 yesterday.

120 years ago

After the first of the year the hauling of ore from Tonopah to the railroad will cease. The teams, or a number of them will be used to transport freight to the new camp but the hauling of ore will cease. The reason is the hope the new company will build reduction plants near the mines.

80 years ago

All business houses in Las Vegas are closed today in protest against what the Merchants’ Association termed an “outlaw picket line” in front of a grocery. American Federation of Labor teamsters established the picket line on Thursday and that night a picket assaulted an army officer. The officer quickly knocked the picket out. Then an unorganized group of soldiers, not acting under orders, shoved the pickets off the sidewalk. The picket line disappeared.

60 years ago

Any local residents who will be unable to afford the traditional Christmas dinner are invited to be guests of the Carson City Nugget that day. The invitation is especially intended for those families with children, and for those who live alone.

20 years ago

Carson City and state fair officials have taken their request for fairgrounds in Stewart to the Governor’s office. State fair officials are unhappy with their situation at the Reno Livestock Convention Center and say if they stay in Reno, the fair will die.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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