LAS VEGAS — The Southern Nevada Health District has released new data that shows where Clark County residents may have been exposed to the coronavirus.
While the most common exposure site is listed as "other," the most common exposure sites that were specified were food establishments, with 13,146 potential cumulative exposures and 1,969 possible exposures in the last 30 days.
Next ranked were hotels or motels, which accounted for 12,219 total potential exposures. The next highest potential exposure sites, in order, were medical facilities, "work," grocery stores, casinos, schools and long-term care facilities.
After that, air travel, general stores or shops, gas stations, group living, gyms, bars, convenient stores and "other places with large groups of people" are ranked, in order, for how many potential cumulative cases occurred at these locations.
The exposure location data is based on voluntary self-reporting by people who tested positive in the county.
The health district's website states that data for some categories were not collected until October and that some infected people fit into multiple categories. The website does not specify when data collection began.