145 years ago
The Bored of Prison Commissioners — we are deliberate and premeditated in our misspelling — did not have a seance yesterday. They let up. The reason why they were not in session was that Mr. De Long, of counsel for the Governor, did not make his appearance. It is supposed that there will be a meeting and some further inquisition to-day.
130 years ago
Electric Treatment. Mrs. Dr. Winzell is at the Ormsby Hotel, Room 36, and will remain for a short time. She will be glad to meet any person afflicted with Nervous Prostration, Insanity, Hysteria, Insomnia, Catarrh, Consumption, Dyspepsia, Diphtheria, Diabetes, Malaria, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Asthma, Fevers, Hemorrhoids, and Uterine Disease. Electricity not only cures disease, but it consumes, expels or burns up all drugs in the system…
120 years ago
St. Valentine’s Ball. The ladies of Custer Relief Corps will give a grand social dance tonight at Armory Hall. A tamale supper will be served and other novelties introduced. Tickets 50 cents. Supper 25 cents.
110 years ago
Yesterday the Appeal reporter witnessed the workings of the laws of the land, and after seeing the machinery turn round was convinced that it was all out of gear. That the machinery is old, obsolete, and needs modern improvements. It is working on the plan of the muzzle-loading shotgun as compared with the automatic of to-day.
100 years ago
Entertain Assemblymen. Last evening twenty-two assemblymen were entertained at the mansion at a stag dinner. Later in the evening twenty-two young ladies appeared and dancing was the order of the evening. Thursday evening Governor and Mrs. Boyle will entertain the remaining members of the assembly.
145 years ago
St. Valentine had a delightful day all to himself on Sunday. If he is not satisfied with weather so beautiful as this, he had better betake himself once more to his native land — for he is nothing but a semi-naturalized resident anyhow.
130 years ago
The special train which carried the Legislators to Reno yesterday, returned about 6 o’clock last evening bringing back the law makers to the Capital and — the treasury.
120 years ago
There’s a tiger loose in town. A “snap shot” may be seen and full particulars learned by calling at Sam Cohn’s.
110 years ago
While the search for the bodies of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Campbell has been temporarily abandoned another effort along thorough lines will be undertaken…to be trace out the flood and missing building and find the bodies….Little Valley where the water spread after leaving the gorge, simply states a vast lake of ice and frozen snow…
100 years ago
Mail pilot on his way. Early this morning one of the mail pilots from m the coast passed over this city on his way to Reno. The machine was considerably lower than usual as the pilot had evidently taken the air stratum below the fog line that hovered on the mountain tops.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.