“Mom Train ” by Colleen Reynolds is a 15x22-inch watercolor. (Image courtesy of San Diego Watercolor Society)
Reynold’s painting entitled “Mom Train” was selected by juror Julie Davis for this honor, out of more than 300 entries.
“I really loved this piece. It looks to be from a very old family photo used as reference. The treatment of the background spaces was great. Great use of the text elements to draw the viewer’s eye in; the vertical columns were great additions,” Davis said of the painting.
Reynolds lives and paints in Carson City. She earned a master’s degree in Education and bachelor’s degrees in Fine Art and Applied Mathematics. Prior to taking up art, Reynolds completed a 20-year U.S. Navy career and taught corporate, college and university courses.
Today, she works out of her local studio, where she has a small gallery of her works as well as a classroom for conducting watercolor classes and workshops. Reynolds also teaches art classes at Western Nevada College in Carson City and Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno.
Reynolds has shown her paintings in galleries, joined artist cooperatives and participated in numerous artist exhibitions, fairs, and shows. She is an active and contributing member of a number of art groups and societies, including the Nevada Artists Association, San Diego Watercolor Society, Idaho Watercolor Society, and the Sierra Watercolor Society. She is a Past President and member of the Utah Watercolor Society. Her art is currently featured the Taylor Jensen Fine Arts Gallery in New Zealand; and the Ely Art Bank in Ely, Nevada. Find her work at https://colleenreynolds.com/.
The Virtual Exhibit will run through Saturday, Feb. 27 on The San Diego Watercolor Society’s website at https://www.sdws.org/galleryart.php?cat=6964 where the paintings can be both viewed and purchased from the Online Store.
More information can be found at http://www.sdws.org