Letters to the editor for July 3, 2021

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

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Accountability necessary for act of cruelty toward kittens

I’d just like to give an angry shout out to the cruel person who threw six tiny kittens out of their car window this Sunday morning alongside the bypass near Home Depot.

What a sick, demented person. How dare you treat six beautiful, little angels in such a horrific fashion. If found, you should be fired from your job, shunned by the community and your friends and given such a fine that it completely wipes out your bank account.

Moreover, people as you are the reason why we have “prevent cruelty to animals” laws. You’re heartless. You’re as low as low can possibly get. You’re a despicable waste of human flesh.

Those little babies didn’t stand a chance. Judging from their distance where their broken bodies lay away from each other, you must have tossed them from your vehicle about every 50 feet or so apart. And the Lord only knows how fast you were going when you did. How proud of yourself you must be; you’re a coward. Find a priest and beg him for absolution.

And I’m asking everyone in Carson City, especially the children – who might happen to have heard of someone bragging about this and maybe bragging to other people as some would do – to please, for the sake of those kittens, turn them in. Let them stand accused and be held accountable for their ignominious actions toward these animals. For what happened to those kittens is a most despicable act of cruelty.

Donald Paetz

Carson City

Buyer remorse

Wow, That happened fast. In the first 100 days, sleepy Joe & the Democrats managed to unwind almost all the policies that President Trump had initiated & were benefiting the middle class. Almost looked like it was all preplanned.

Perhaps we now know what sleepy Joe was doing in all those days during the campaign when he was holed up in his bunker in his basement. Gosh, even I am having buyers remorse & I didn’t even vote for the guy.  I yearn for the good old days when the border was secure and we were not being daily invaded by illegal immigrants, criminals, terrorists, drug dealers and who knows what else. What kind of people are those who support an open border? 

What kind of people support defunding of our law enforcement causing rapidly escalating murder rates in nearly all of our great cities. What kind of people support the teaching of Critical Race Theory to indoctrinate  our young children so that they hate each other?  What kind of people ignore the threat of Red China to our democracy & the home of the Corona virus which has killed millions worldwide. I could go on and on but being in the twilight of my years, there is little I can do other than speak out and vote. What I do find somewhat interesting is that little or nothing is being heard from the Van Alfen, liberal progressive crowd regarding current affairs. In closing, I fear for the future of my family.

Bill Johnston

Carson City

More nefarious

Democrats are obsessed with race and group identity, and based on their rhetoric, you would think that democrat cities would be beacons of enlightenment, but you’d be wrong. Cities run by democrats have some of the worst schools, highest crime rates and lowest quality of life. Their cities are cesspools of crime, violence and homeless encampments. This can’t be accidental or coincidental and since incompetence alone can’t explain it; maybe it’s all intentional.

If they are unconcerned with the welfare of their citizens, maybe societal harmony and unity is not their goal. If, improving the lives of the citizenry is not their focus, perhaps the party of slavery and Jim Crow are not the champions of liberty and equality they claim. 

Perhaps they are more nefarious than we imagined. Intuitively we all know defunding the police while emptying our jails and opening our borders is a dreadful idea. Since this can only degrade and further fracture society, it seems as if this is their real objective.

Mike Rodgick 

Carson City