Pursuant to the Carson
City Charter, section
2.110, pertaining to
the publication of an
ordinance adopted by
the Carson City Board
of Supervisors, the
following ordinance
was proposed at the
regular meeting of the
Carson City Board of
Supervisors held on
June 17, 2021, voted
upon and adopted at
the regular meeting
held on July 15, 2021,
and ordered by said
Board of Supervisors to
be published by title:
Ordinance No.
Bill No. 110
An ordinance changing
the zoning from
Single Family 1 acre
(SF1A) to Single
Family 1 acre Planned
Unit Development
(SF1A-PUD), for a
Tentative Planned Unit
Development (PUD-
2021-0132) proposing
12 single family
residential lots and
a 3.75 acre common
open space parcel, on
property located north
of Bedford Way and
south of Kensington
Place, APN 007-061-
The names of
the Supervisors
voting for passage
of the foregoing
ordinance at the July
15, 2021, meeting
are: Supervisor Stan
Jones, Supervisor Lisa
Schuette, Supervisor
Stacey Giomi, Mayor
Lori Bagwell
The names of the
Supervisors voting
against passage of the
foregoing ordinance
are: Supervisor
Maurice White
Those abstaining:
None; those absent:
Date: July 15, 2021
Aubrey Rowlatt,
Clerk - Recorder
by: C. Eggert, Chief
Deputy (seal)
Pub: July 21, 2021