Past Pages for June 5 to 8, 2021

North E Street near the railroad depot in Virginia City, probably in the late 19th century.

North E Street near the railroad depot in Virginia City, probably in the late 19th century.

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145 years ago

The Lying Club of Empire has busted up. It started out with brilliant prospects, but owning to internal dissensions it was not a success. It had obtained its regular charter from the Sazerac Lying Club of Austin — the chief of all the Lying Clubs of the world — and ought to have succeeded, for their is genuine talent of the right sort in Empire.

140 years ago

Paper Thieves. There seems to be a regularly organized gang of thieves in Carson who make a business of stealing papers. There is scarcely a day that a complaint does not reach the Appeal office of the depredations of these petty larcenists. If the police cannot discover the offenders it would be well for each citizen to watch his newspaper box and horsewhip the little rascal he catches attempting to steal it.

130 years ago

The white bronze monument dedicated to the solders and sailors of the war, erected on Memorial Day in the cemetery appropriated for and put up, in a very short space of time by the Monument Bronze Co., of Bridgeport, Conn., costing $1,000. The pose is excellent and the old Vets say it is thoroughly true to life.

120 years ago

Reno has decided to come up here during the first week of July and take possession of Carson City about three thousand strong. It will be a peaceful invasion and they will come as friends and guests ready to make merry and join in the general hilarity. Already the people down here are wearing the Carnival colors and you can hardly see a schoolchild on the streets who does not have the red, yellow and sagebrush green on.

100 years ago

The Sparks ball-tossers are coming over tomorrow to tackle the home nine, and if there is a fan in the county that enjoys a real game, here is the chance. Both teams are closely matched and some real ball playing will be indulged in. The game is scheduled at Valley Park at 2:30 tomorrow.


145 years ago

The Moonlight Dancing party, to be given at Farmer Treadway’s next Thursday evening, will doubtless be a grand affair. A large number of ladies and gentlemen will, we understand, come down from Virginia to attend it. A fine hand of music will be on hand.

120 years ago

Captain Murphy. Word has been received that Charles M. Murphy of Gold Hill is now in command of a company of native troops in the Philippines. The Fourteenth Regiment, to which he formerly belonged, as sailed for home, but Charley was given the privilege of staying in the islands, and was at once appointed a captain.

100 years ago

For some time the rumor has been about the plaster plant at Mound House closing down this fall and that the machinery and refining plant would be moved to Geraldo, where the operating company owns a deposit of gypsum. The soft material at Mound House, which had been mined for the past 25 years gradually grew harder and the hard stratum below was not of commercial value.

80 years ago

William Mark Dolan is listed as one of the graduates of the 1941 class at Carson High School.

50 years ago

Nevada’s 25th Annual Boys State starts officially at 1 p.m. today with registration of 190 boys from throughout Nevada congregating at the Stewart Indian School Facility. Boys State is sponsored by the American Legion, Nevada Department under the supervision of J.E. “Doc” Martie, one of the original directors of Boys State.

20 years ago

Assemblywoman Marcia de Braga, R-Fallon, said she is frustrated with the state’s slow progress in finding the cause of a leukemia cluster in the rural community.


145 years ago

Yesterday morning at 7:15 o’clock as a construction train was proceeding along the Virginia and Truckee Railroad, and when nearing the tunnel of the divide between Ormsby and Washoe Counties, about thirty or fourth men appeared demanding the train to stop. One man, who acted as spokesperson for the crowd, advanced and stated the men had families and were out of work, and they had determined as such that no men from China should work on that road. They came prepared to enforce their orders. It was reported later to Sheriff Swift that about 100 men were engaged in the demonstration.

120 years ago

A surveying party is at work near Tonapah (sic) running the boundary. Line between Esmeralda and Nye counties to accurately determine in which county the rich mining camp is situated.

100 years ago

During the day a conference was held in the Governor’s chambers relative to the attitude of the state in the Tonopah situation. A persistent rumor has reached the executive office to the effect that a conference is to be held with the intent of adjusting the wage question. Pending such action the governor states he will not take any action. So far there has been no violence, but the continuous demand for state police will have to be settled.

80 years ago

Thirty-eight members of the class of 1941 of the Carson City high school received their diplomas from Lester Groth, member of the board of trustees, at commencement exercises held in the high school gymnasium last evening.

50 years ago

Carson City needs the Marlene Water System, according to Carson City Mayor Eugene Scrivner, to provide proper development of the city’s water system and for future needs.

20 years ago

Between 1,500 and 2,500 gallons of oil destined for the Churchill Power Plant near Yerington was released by vandals from a Union Pacific railroad tanker about 2:55 Monday. The spill occurred a quarter mile east of the Tracy Power Plant in Storey County.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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