Carson City Chamber hosts lunch focused on finding employees

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After waiting so long to be able to reopen, business are crying the blues wondering what happened to the employment market especially since there seem to be so many yet on the unemployment roles continuing to receive state and federal benefits.
The Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation just reported that although jobs are coming back, the state is still at an unemployment rate in May of 7.8 percent. Most of the jobs being refilled are those in the hospitality sector with the core going to Las Vegas as casinos reopen. However, 159,000 claimants were filing for unemployment as of mid-May. The tone at DETR is positive with Chief Economist David Schmidt stating there will be an ongoing recovery as we head into summer.
Summer is here and there are Help Wanted signs everywhere no matter the industry. While some blame the generous benefits, there are a number of plausible theories that could be adding to why we are seeing such a lack of workforce that seems to be hampering full recovery forcing some businesses to shorten hours and operating days.
The Carson City Chamber has invited Jenny Casselman, deputy director of DETR and David Schmidt, chief economist of DETR to address businesses on why it is now so difficult to find employees. The luncheon presentation will be held on Wednesday, June 30 at the Gold Dust West to address this serious issues and is open to the public. Cost for lunch is $21 per person with limited seating. Reservations close on Monday, June 28 at 5 p.m. or before if tickets are sold out.
Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling the Chamber at 882-1565.


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