From the right: Sinnott off base
Pete Sinnott’s “America God shed his grace on thee” was a self-indulgent, nearly incoherent rant of mostly incomplete sentences about what he thinks is wrong with America today. Sorting through his word hash, I noted Sinnott’s dismissal of President Donald Trump as “pathologically divisive.” Victor Davis Hanson points out that Democrats are aggressively at odds with the majority of citizens who oppose open borders, changing the Constitution, pushing critical race theory, and banning fossil fuels. How’s that for “divisive”?
The woke’s response to the populace’s agitation with them is “never let a crisis go to waste”. Thus they push through lockdowns and other restrictions on freedom of movement by using pandemics to curtail our freedoms, even as they wave hoards of disease-carrying illegal aliens across our southern border, on whom they will confer full citizenship and make them grateful Democrat voters.
Meanwhile all indications are that the Biden administration’s cut-and-run Afghanistan policy will refuse U.S. visas to Afghan translators and others allied with our military, leaving them and their families to the tender mercies of the enemy who will track them down and murder them.
Our woke leaders and their fawning acolytes in the media are more intolerant and puritanical than any Victorian. They’re racists who demand under-representation of “bad” racial groups and over-representation of “good” racial groups. They judge us by the color of our skin, not the content of our character.
Lynn Muzzy
From the left: Sinnott off base
In regards to Pete Sinnott's recent opinion. His first sentence took guts, and told me pretty much what I need to know about Pete. And his first paragraph solidified my normal conclusions. Conservative Republicans are light on research, and heavy on fabrication. The rest of his opinion is just ragging on everyone and everything, painting us all with the same broad brush of failure.
Pete, please join me in the Wayback Machine for a bit. Set the year for 2009. Obama's first year in office. Dubya and his no-regulation Republicans have tanked the economy and brought America to its financial knees. Worst recession since the "big one." Skyrocketing unemployment. The Dow Jones plummets to 6,000. And foreclosures through the roof.
Now push the forward button to 2016. Through steady leadership and stewardship, Obama did not come close to leaving things worse than when he took office. Normal unemployment came back and steadily got better. The foreclosures and mortgage debacle was repaired. People with home equity instead of huge debt. And Wall Street, with those pesky regs. The DOW tripling in eight years to 18,000. Oh, and a thing called the Affordable Care Act somehow allowed over 20 million Americans to have access to quality and affordable health care. And all this progress moved forward in the face of ridiculous and consistent obstruction by GOP. A completely lawful presidency that was soon to be overshadowed by an unheard of spectacle of graft, lies and corruption.
Rick Van Alfen
Carson City
Teach proper gun safety
All of us grew up with toy guns. We played games as children pointing the guns at others and pretending we were shooting others down. But after a classmate of mine came home from school one afternoon and shot his brother with his father's loaded gun on the dining table, everything changed.
The brother who was accidently shot has spent a lifetime in a wheelchair, and the brother who shot him has suffered a lifetime of guilt as also was the case with the father who left his loaded gun on the dining table. It turned into a family tragedy.
Because most kids of a certain age cannot understand the difference or severity of a real gun loaded or not, and a toy gun, the concept of pointing any gun at a person becomes troublesome.
Guns injure and/or kill. Sure I used to play with black water guns as a child, but even now, an officer can mistake a black water gun for a real gun.
Parents, think twice about the message you are sending your kids when they point any gun at a person. Health and safety come first and the message has to be clear and understandable to the child.
Ann Burke
Carson City