Carson City legal - 13355

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The undersigned will

sell at Public sale by

competitive bidding on

Thursday the 27th day

of May, 2021 at 10:00

AM, with bidding to

take place on lockerfox.

com the following

liened property. iStorage,

3579 Highway 50

East Suite B, Carson

City, NV, 89701

Carson City County

Rebecca Dickenson

399computer monitor,

rolling ice chests,

plastic storage can,

Holiday decorations,

bins, boxes, bags etc.

Guy, Ashley 113 tools,

backpacks, propane

tank, clothing, axe,

duffle bags, tin can,

boxes, etc Purchases

must be paid for at the

time of sales in cash

only. All purchased

items are sold as is.

Pub: May 19, 26,

2021. Ad#13355