Churchill County legal - 13295

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WATER NO. 90585


GIVEN, that on

the 16th day of

April 2021 E & C

Schank Properties,

LLC; Maddie Asset

Management, LLC;

and Donald H. Schank

and Kenna Schank

of Fallon, Nevada

made application to

the State Engineer of

Nevada for permission

to change the place of

use of 2,573.07 acre

feet, a portion of water

heretofore appropriated

under the Alpine

Decree and Claim 3 of

the Orr Ditch Decree

and Permit 47879A02,

Certificate 19641 and

Permit 88250. Water

will be diverted from

the Truckee River

and Carson River at

a point located within

Lahontan Dam being

within the SW1/4

SE1/4 of Section 33,

T19N, R26E, MDB&M.

Water will be used as


Adam Sullivan, P.E.

Acting State Engineer

Pub: May 19, 26,

June 2, 9, 2021
