Committee passes bill to enable voters with disabilities

Nevada Legislature

Nevada Legislature

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The Assembly Legislative Operations and Elections Committee on Thursday voted to support passage of a bill making it easier for people with disabilities to register and vote.
AB121 essentially makes available to all disabled people the same infrastructure currently used by uniformed military and those serving overseas. The disabled, like those in the military, would be able to register electronically, request an absentee ballot electronically and cast their ballot .
AB121 also requires the Secretary of State to set procedures for local election officials for the handling, accepting and counting of absentee ballots received from disabled voters through an electronic system.
It further provides that the deadline for receiving, accepting and recording those ballots from those with disabilities is the 7 p.m. closure of the polls on election day, the same as for military voters.
The vote in committee to send AB121 to the floor for a vote was unanimous.