CHS staff and soon-to-be-graduating seniors play against one another in a once-in-a-lifetime basketball game
The Orchestra Program of the Carson City Schools held its Spring Concert on Saturday, May 22 in CHS Senator Square for a live audience of 210 people. The program featured Dr. Fox's five school orchestras, plus the CCSD Honor Orchestra, led by guest conductor Eric Stern. Students were thrilled to perform live for their families and friends; it was a rewarding way to finish the school year. Seniors Bita Jazani and Mira Caraway received the National School Orchestra Award and The Director's Award for Orchestra, respectively. Dr. Fox is grateful for the help of his colleagues, including Stephanie Van Orman, Jon Brill, Nick Jacques, Andy Sonnemaker, Sue & Gary Jesch, David & Ellie Bugli, Eric Stern, and Rukiya Fox. He also deeply appreciates the tireless support of school administrators. "CCSD is a wonderful place to work," he commented. A video recording of the concert is available as an unlisted link on YouTube. Please contact Dr. Fox ( for access.
Annie, the CHS Virtual Spring Musical, will be streaming online through May 31. Tickets are $10 general and $5 for students; this allows a 48-hour access to the musical at For more information about this event, please email CHS Theatre Arts teacher Andi Wilkerson at
WEIGHT ROOM TO BE NAMED IN HONOR OF SHANE QUILLING CHS will be renaming its weight room in honor of the late, long-time CHS teacher and coach, Shane Quilling. The dedication will be held June 3, at 2 p.m. outside in the area between the weight room back exit/entrance and the team/player entrance to the football field. Quilling taught and coached at Carson High for more than 18 years. He served as head coach of the Carson High Senators Varsity Football Team for seven years before stepping down in 2007. He also coached Track and Field and Softball. Along with his coaching career, Quilling taught various P.E. and Health classes.
CHS plans to have a regular sit down, not a drive through, graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021, June 5, beginning at 9 a.m. on the football field. Attendees will be able to sit in the bleachers and other areas of the football field, such as grass areas and the outside edge, will be; however, all attendees must wear a mask and are encouraged to sit with their families or selected pods and remain socially distance from each other. For those who desire to see graduation and not attend, the ceremony will be live streamed as well. Moreover, Pioneer High School will host an in-person graduation ceremony with a drive through format on campus June 2 at 6 p.m. A video presentation will also be sent to families, and a senior dedication ceremony on campus will be announced. Carson Middle School, 1140 West King Street, will host a drive through promotion ceremony for eighth grade students at 10 a.m. June 4, celebrating its year-end tradition in a new way for the first time. Eagle Valley Middle School, 4151 East Fifth Street, will also hold a drive through promotion ceremony from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 4, holding to its plan from last year. Students at both schools are required to pass all classes, have all necessary credits, and make sure they do not owe any outstanding fees to their schools in order to participate. Staff will conduct a final grade check May 21, and promotion certificates will be mailed along with report cards. If any of the district’s various elementary schools decide to host fifth grade promotions and Pre-K or kindergarten graduations, information will be sent directly to parents and families. For more information, go to, or call 283-2000.
The School Social Workers latest campaign is the My Healthy Coping Skill was incredible to highlight all of the different the ways we cope and relieve stress by taking a few minutes out of the day to unwind and engage in self-care. The two winners this month are: Tauni Judd and Alivia Aschenbach. Congratulations and thanks to all of the teachers and staff who have participated in the Protective Factors campaigns! If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, or needs support, please reach out to Crisis Support SafeVoice Nevada at, Rural Mobile Crisis Response Team for crisis support through video at, call 702-486-7865, Crisis Support Services of Nevada at 1-800-273-8255, Text CARE to 839863, visit to chat, Nevada Crisis Line at 784-8090, Crisis Text Line at text HOME to 741741, or 911 for life threatening emergencies only. For information about this and other events like it, please contact Alejandra Ayala, MSW, LSW, CHS Social Worker II at, call her at 283-1834. ~ Contributed by James Marrone, School Social Worker IIMSW, LSW at CHS 283-1821.
The latest Senator Scholarship Scoop is online at Visitors simply need to click Academics, Counseling Department, and The Scoop. As CHS and Pioneer High School seniors prepare to graduate, they may choose to look for some free money in the form of scholarships in which to pay for college. The beauty of this, too, is scholarships may be applied for year-round and awarded to college students throughout their entire four years in college. There are many scholarships offered every year and end up being awarded to no one because no one applied. There are thousands of national scholarships found at, and The CHS Guidance Office is also always available to help students choose and apply for scholarships. Email counselor Bridget Gordon-Johnson at to make an appointment. Essays are also needed when applying. Need essay help? Watch the video at Also, seniors need to check the due-dates and where to turn in their essays to sponsors. Also, seniors need to check the title of their essays; it is never a good idea to turn in an essay for a scholarship which is titled for a different scholarship. Head to the CHS Career Center to see Mrs. Roman for help with a resume. CHS Seniors, please make sure to sign-in to a personal CHS Google Account for any of the PDF links to download these scholarships and edit them with the Kami App available via CHS Google.
This issue’s CHS Student of the Week is Bryce A. Alvarado, a junior. If ever anyone needs a hand to do something, Bryce is there to help. Seldom seen and seldom noticed is the individual who, like lightning, jumps at the opportunity to open a door for a teacher in a wheelchair, deliver a just released 2021 yearbook, take a yearbook photograph, or write a story for the yearbook. Bryce is kind and respectful and stood out in such a way as to be nominated by a CHS teacher who noticed. Around CHS, Bryce spends a great deal of his time looking for photo worthy individuals and events happening around the high school. He is excited about whatever he may find himself assigned to do in his publications class and, of late, he is helping to distribute the latest yearbook. Bryce lost his mother to kidney cancer when he was 11-years-old, so his Aunt Vanessa and Uncle Johnny have been raising him ever since, and Bryce cares about them deeply.
Bryce has also been a member of CHS Track and Field, he likes to spend time Kickboxing outside of school, and he looks forward to attending CSU Sacramento to study photojournalism and sociology.
Phil Brady is an English teacher at CHS.