The Board of County Commissioners is seeking a public-spirited citizen who is willing to serve as a member on the Churchill County Planning Commission. The Planning Commission is an advisory board to the Board of County Commissioners and
will meet at least twice monthly. This person will be on a seven (7) member board responsible for decisions with Planning Department matters associated within Churchill County. The appointee will fulfill an unexpired term through September 30, 2024. Computer knowledge and experience is essential. Familiarity with Churchill County and a broad understanding of Churchill County’s governance, Master Plan, and land
use planning policies is preferred. For more details, interested persons may talk to the Public Works Director for additional information about the Planning Commission and what the position entails. Interested persons may obtain an application at the Human Resources Department, 155 N. Taylor St., Suite 155, Fallon, Nevada 89406. All letters and applications are to be submitted to the above address not later than 3:00 p.m. Monday, November 1, 2021.
Linda Rothery, Clerk/Treasurer
Pub:October 13, 20, and 27, 2021 Ad#17720