Past Pages of Oct. 30-Nov. 2

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

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145 years ago
We have often had occasion to express regret that in laying out the plat of Carson City, its projectors did not locate the place about a half or three quarters of a mile further West and North. This would have given the town what it sadly lacks, — sufficient drainage. A very present need is an adequate system of sewers.
140 years ago
The dancing portion of this community do not appear to be at all enthusiastic in the matter of organizing social clubs in this season. A general stagnation in all society affairs seems to prevail this fall.
120 years ago
The famine in China is assuming serious proportions. Several hundred thousand natives are said to be starting.
80 years ago
The weather took a decided turn for the better late yesterday, and sunshine prevailed today. The forecast is for fair weather and slowly rising temperatures, which insures a grand, typical October day for the Admission Day celebration, with attendee from far and near running into the many thousands.
50 years ago
The Carson High School cross-country team beat South Lake Tahoe here in the varsity division race. Top harriers were Tim Cameron, Richard Ellis, Robert Barr, John Lea and Tom May.
20 years ago
63rd Nevada Day parade today.
150 Years Ago
Roll of honor: Following is a list of the roll of honor at the school of the Nevada State Orphans Home for the month of October: Frank and Alanson Grabner, Willie McKay, Willie, Rosina and Tom Uren, Dan Ferry, Herman Kincade, Ormsby Musser, Robert Raper, Edward Laird, Sam Porteous, Willie Proctor, Leslie Smith, Mollie and Clara Cossitt, Nettie Luce. (The Orphans Home had their own school until 1911. The school is still on the grounds of the Orphans Home--the old gym.)
140 Years Ago
In brief: A Chinese thief was arrested for stealing blankets from Olcovich Brothers.
It is estimated that $50,000 is annually expended over bar-room counters in this city.
Reserve your seats for the “Mirror of Ireland” which appears at the Opera House.
“Hackmetack,” a lasting and fragrant perfume, is on sale for 25 and 50 cents.
120 Years Ago
Tonopah: The waiter girls in the restaurants have organized a union and established the wages at $2 per day and have a clause in their by-laws, “that any girl or woman found working for less than the wages established will be escorted to the lower end of the town and given the run down the canyon route.” (Bonanza)
100 Years Ago
Pioneer Day motion pictures: The motion pictures of local history of western Nevada, as filmed by Ab Ambrose, was shown at the Grand theater and is incredible. Mr. Ambrose financed, directed and worked this motion picture of Carson City and the adjoining historic sections of this end of the state. The photography is excellent and covers Carson to Virginia City and Clifton Canyon.
The pictures started from Carson toward Virginia City through the old landmarks of Empire, past the remains of the Mexican, Morgan, Vivian, Brunswick and other famous old quartz mills then up the steep and crooked path of the V. & T., to American City, Gold Hill, and the Crown Point bridge. The home pictures in Carson City were of especial local interest while the exercises at the Capitol were full of action and certainty.
70 Years Ago
Admission Day: The 77th anniversary of admission to the union of states attracted a record crowd and was marked by outstanding events. The floats entered were of high quality, showing much thought in planning and construction, the performance of the bands was outstanding, and the marching units from the Carson, Fallon and Nixon Indian groups were dressed in costumes. The spectators were thrilled by a parachute jump by George Walts of Reno and the Mint Building was dedicated as the State Museum of Nevada.
20 Years Ago
Scams: The Federal Trade Commission warns consumers to always be on guard when online. Fraudulent auctions to mystery phone charges are among the “Top Ten Dot-cons.”
150 Years Ago
Hydrophobia: Sheriff Swift arrested a man for attempting to hang himself. The man was laboring under a fit of hydrophobia, and had gone to the rear of Alex Leport’s store, got a rope and a chair and put the rope around his neck when he was discovered. He had stripped off everything except his pantaloons and was taken to jail. On the way he made several attempts to bite the officers.
140 Years Ago
Carson Beer: Once upon a time beer was imported from abroad, but now that fashion has been done away with. The beer is made at Jacob Klein’s Carson Brewery. It has stood the test of time, and people visiting Carson from neighboring towns ask for it on entering a public house.
120 Years Ago
Death of Dave Nesbeth: He died suddenly at McCormick’s camp above Overton. He was working at the logging camp, but he did not feel well and after eating his breakfast, and he went back to bed. Medical aid was summoned, but before the doctor arrived Nesbeth was dead. He was suffering from heart disease.
100 Years Ago
“Black Beauty,” is playing at the Grand theater. It is an adaptation from the famous book of that name. Jean Paige, with an all-star cast, was selected by the Vitograph people in the making of this play.
70 Years Ago
Advertisement: “Sam Pharris proprietor of the Stone Market wishes to announce that he has leased ‘May’s Slaughter House,’ and will buy poultry and all kinds of livestock. Mr. Pharris will do his own butchering, thereby assuring the people of Carson the best of all kinds of meat, especially the best quality steer beef. The slaughter house will be under the management of Pete Anderson, formerly of Gardnerville.”
20 Years Ago
Halloween: Carson City school children showed up to school to celebrate Halloween. There were schoolwide celebrations. Students got a “handing out” that evening when in search of tricks or treats.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan.


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