The undersigned will
sell at Public sale by
competitive bidding
on Thursday the 30th
day of September,
2021 at 10:00 AM,
with bidding to take
place on
the following liened
property. iStorage,
1179 Fairview Drive
Suite 103, Carson City,
NV, 89701 Carson
City County Clardy,
Kyle 155 Bassinette,
Recliner, Chairs,
Stroller, Vacuum,
Changing Table, Crib
w/Mattress, Dresser w/
Mirror, Bags, Boxes.
Smith, Brian 469
Truck Tool Chest,
Ratchet Straps, 15
Trailer Ball, Jig, Saw,
Misc Tools, Level.
Tofanelli, Theodore 609
Sofa, Chair. Biskup,
Lisa 346 TV, Tool
Box, BBQ, Mattress,
Brake Rotors, Tire,
Air Fryer, Flat Screen
TV, Totes, End Table.
Woodard, Catherine
463 Paintings, Lamp,
Mattress, Bed Frame,
Flat Screen TV, Suit
Case. Smith, Brittany
604 BB Gun, Stroller,
Mattress, Totes, Boxes,
Children’s Toys, Keurig.
Burkhart, Mariah 605
Flat Screen TVs,
Mattress, Boxes Ice
Chest, Mirror, Fake
Plant Purchases must
be paid for at the time
of sales in cash only.
All purchased items are
sold as is.
Pub: September 15,
22, 2021 Ad#16866