Oasis Academy has had a very productive first month with the spotlight on our students this month.
Buster’s Best for September
Each month students will be selected that exemplify what Buster, Oasis Academy’s mascot, looks for in Oasis students. These are students that go above and beyond, show kindness, respect others and themselves, strive for excellence, and persevere even when tasks are difficult.
Kaitlyn Hert — Senior
After a nonstop junior year Kaitlyn Hert is excited to start her senior year at Oasis. Attending Oasis since she was in the fifth grade, Kaitlyn has excelled in both the classroom and in extracurricular activities such as the state champion softball team, yearbook, and Student Council. Outside of school she helps with her church group, AWANA, and volunteers in the high school youth ministry.
This last summer Kaityln also participated in the distinguished INBRE Research project with Western Nevada College Professors Dr. Gary Evett and Rochelle Bassen.
“I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the biomedical research project with Dr. Evett. When I started the research with them, I had plans to become a pathologist's assistant, so I was really trying to see if lab work was something that I would enjoy on a day-to-day basis.
“The lab research got me thinking about other careers in the medical field that I may enjoy, and I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to do the project. I highly encourage future students to participate,” said Kaitlyn of the research.
Graduating in May 2022, she will complete both her Associate of Arts from WNC and her high school diploma. Kaityln has already been accepted into College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas. She chose the school for their diagnostic medical sonography program with a cardiovascular track. They are the only school in Nevada to offer the program.
“Kaitlyn is an all-around go getter. She is very inquisitive and has a knack for connecting with everyone. I know she will excel in her degree program in diagnostic cardiovascular sonography at CSN and throughout the rest of her career,” said Andy Lenon, Oasis Academy counselor.
Andy Lenon, Oasis Academy counselor, stands with senior student Kaitlyn Hert.
Allie Fait — Eighth Grade
Allie Fait started with Oasis Academy in kindergarten. Involved in FFA and 4-H for quite some time now, her passion for animals started at an early age and she enjoys raising market hogs and breeding market sheep. She is a student athlete that participates in basketball and volleyball for the Oasis Academy. Her goals are to continue to grow her skills in all areas, in the classroom, on the court, and with her showmanship. Allie is also really into Hey Dude Shoes and her goal is to have a pair for every day of the week.
Counselor Andy Lenon describes Allie this way.
“She is a model student that leads by example.” he said. “Allie has exceptional character, always so polite and kind. It was awesome to see her in action volunteering at the Cantaloupe Festival!”
Allie Fait
Cora Worth — Second Grade
Cora Worth is in the second grade. Counselor Shelley Kelly explains why she chose Cora for this month’s Buster’s Best.
“During my guidance lesson Cora showed great attentive listening, actively participated, and asked thoughtful questions. She did a wonderful job of modeling these behaviors for her classmates. These are all skills that teachers at Oasis work with each student on, and I was delighted to see them demonstrated so well in just the second week of school.”
Cora’s favorite subject is math and she likes to make projects. Her favorite animal is the cheetah.
Cora Worth
Studying animal adaptations
Third-grade classes have been studying animal adaptations. Classes learned how Darwin’s finches adapted different size beaks over time in order to pick up and eat different size seeds. Students have done experiments using a variety of tools (representing different beaks) to pick up various materials (representing seeds) to see which “beak” works best for each “seed.”
Bighorns compete at White Pine High School Rodeo
At the White Pine High School Rodeo Tylie Norcutt finished third in the average of the cutting and fifth in goat tying and pole bending. Tylie Norcutt and Jaylee McEwen also competed in team roping and finished fourth in the average.
Maiya Swan accepted into the University of Arizona
Senior Oasis Academy student Maiya Swan was recently accepted into the University of Arizona and received the Arizona Distinguished Award for $35,000. Maiya chose Arizona because of the location and their beautiful campus. She will be studying international affairs and minoring in psychology.
As far as her long term goals Maiya said, “For a career I am looking into being employed by either the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Central Intelligence Agency.”
Her favorite class during her time at Western Nevada College was with instructor Kevin Gehman who taught a special topics class called “The Making of a Murderer.”
Maiya wants to thank Oasis English teacher Julie Stockard for helping her along the way. She credits her as an amazing teacher and someone she can look up to. Maiya will complete her senior year playing lacrosse and serving as senior class president through Oasis Student Council and Leadership. She will graduate in May with both her high school diploma and Associate of Arts Degree from Western Nevada College.
Maiya Swan