Academic excellence, service, leadership, character and citizenship were all exemplified last week when 53 Oasis Middle School students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society.
To qualify candidates must be in the second semester of sixth grade or members of the seventh- or eighth-grade classes and have been enrolled for a period equivalent to one semester at Oasis Academy.Students must also have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and are also considered based on their service, leadership, character and citizenship.
“This is the seventh year Oasis Academy has inducted middle school students into the National Junior Honor Society. I have had the pleasure of teaching almost every student inducted this year, and I couldn't be more thrilled to see their success both academically and socially,” said NJHS adviser Raquel Feest. “It is such a pleasure to watch these students grow into amazing young people who care about their families, their school, and their community. Oasis Academy is very proud of these students.”
Kaylamel Carreras
Sixth Grade Inductees: Abby Belle, Braylon Byrd, Quinn Chandler, Liliana Paloma de Leon, Kaden Detomasi, Kiley Detomasi, Stevie Hiskett, Asher Irving, Hannah Jackson, Keaton Jaques, Mason Jardine, Elaine Lewis, Brooke Manskie, Kylie Moya, Nicole Pratt, Wyatt Ricks, Crew Schank, Jocelyn Sorensen, Sadie Whitaker
Seventh Grade Inductees: Sophie Bake, Lakota Casey, Meirra Cavanaugh, Kaylee Craig, Raegan Johnson, Cristian Keener, Gabriel Keener, Riley Haggard, Hazel Mackedon, Reese Laca, Emma Lewis, Zander Lewis, Caitlin Oyler, Allison Proffen, Kyle Shawcroft, Karlie Simper, Kortnie Simper, Owen Whitaker, Kadence Wiessmer,
Eighth Grade Inductees: Alyssa Ayers, Trevor Barrenchea, Matthew Bird, Aidan Clark, Laynee Diaz, Dylan Faught, Taylor Hyde, Grace Laca, Christina Robinson, Rylee Schroeder, Alex Zandar Sheldon-Davis, Kylee Simper, Leah Sorensen, Emma Vershum
Hunter McNabb
Students place first and second in Lions Club Speech Contest
Oasis sophomore Hunter McNabb and freshman Kaylamel Carreras participated in the annual Lions Club Speech Contest on Jan. 21.
The event gives students the opportunity to display their speech skills by writing and delivering a speech in front of a panel of judges. This year’s topic was "Should Community Service be a Graduation Requirement?”
This year McNabb finished in first with his speech title Community Service and Carreras finished in second. The first place winner is awarded $75 and moves onto the regional competition in Reno with the opportunity to win a $5000 scholarship.
"It is so awesome to see our underclassmen step up and compete in an event that is so nerve wracking. Public speaking is continually ranked as a top fear for so many but they never hesitated to join in,” Counselor Andy Lenon said of the process. “Preparation and practice is so important for public speaking. Hunter and Kaylamel continuously rehearsed, revised, and timed their speeches with Ms. Madraso and myself. It was a pleasure watching them both compete and listen to their different takes on community service subjects."
Mike Richards II
Alumni Feature: Mike Richards II
Mike Richards graduated from Oasis Academy College Prep in 2017. Upon graduating with both his high school diploma and Associate of Arts from Western Nevada College, Richards went on to earn his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from the University of Nevada, Reno.
His favorite memories from being an Oasis Bighorn were being friends with all of his classmates while learning and laughing together.
When asked who was influential in his academic career and served as mentors, he credits both Mrs. Mortensen from Student Council and Lenon.
“Find a balance between having fun and taking high school seriously – you only live those four years once!” is Richards’ advice for future Oasis students.
Richards currently works as a Manufacturing Engineer at Innovative Drive Corporation in Reno.