Developers should pay for roads
Let’s be real. The residential taxpayers are the ones who always foot the bill. It’s about time for those who cause the increased road usage to pay up.
Yes, I mean those developers that the Board of Supervisors love so much.
First, make it illegal to avoid the Residential Construction Tax. Then, institute a new tax, you can call it “Improve Carson City Surcharge” (ICCS). It should be paid by all developers and builders of residential and commercial property based on the gross size of the parcel they will be developing or building on, by the square foot.
Developers and builders should not be allowed to pass this cost on to the buyer. They should have to swallow the cost, just as a homeowner does when taxes increase on us. That is fair. They cause the crowding, traffic, and increased road use, they should pay. Once the roads are up to par, you can divert the tax income to some other problem, like inadequate police, fire, schools and hospitals.
And in response to the megadrought article, let's build hundreds more homes and apartments and supply them with some of our non-existent water. Don't give out that baloney about how we have plenty of water just no way to properly deliver it on demand. We don't believe it.
I can't water my lawn, but we have water for Californians to come here and build swimming pools.
Wendy George
Carson City